Interestingly, the blobby Negari did have a vulnerable point, but one that seemed altogether too large for her to easily access it with just knives. Her arms simply weren't long to get much of it in a single cut. If she could mark it out for the others then the fight would be over in a few more blows at worst... Being behind the wall, there were no obstacles for Noriko when it came to selecting her target--only her own aim. Not that the lightly-armed magical girl wanted to stick around here for long before it got her from behind... so two quick throws later, as on target as they needed to be given that only she could see the seam itself, the knife-wielding girl was cutting through one of the tentacles in the wall and rolling through it. Hopefully, not getting hit by friendly fire. "This is The Ripper! The Negari has a weakpoint stretching between the two knives, cut it there!"