Yeah, I'll keep that in mind. I just thought it was fair you guys all got that update, since this bullshit really does happen to me very regularly. It'll likely continue to happen regularly for some time, but you guys've taken interest in a project that I really went out of my way to make sure would be enjoyable, and I don't want to let people down. Just know that even if I seem quiet at times, I haven't given up on this thing. I might seem like I'm logged on here a lot and subsequently look like I've got a lot of spare time, but I really can't emphasize how bad my workload really is. The amount of shit I need to sort/recover/et cetera pretty much forbids me the spare time to even take a walk unless it's to buy supplies. Gaming is pretty much a thing of the past for me. For all intents and purposes, I work sixteen hours or more a day including weekends (I've been doing that for a decade or more straight now), and that's when my PC [i]isn't[/i] giving me this bullshit (hence why my sleep pattern's abysmal -- if my PC decides to pull a stunt like this on me - which happens often - then that's pretty much me not getting to sleep for a day). Anyway, I shouldn't be wasting time (not that I think making people informed about my situation is completely wasting time), but good to know you guys're working out the collaboration on your end.