Glory to the gods, Savayna was finally going to fill him in! Too bad they got caught, and as Grant was looking upwards, stars spinning in his eyes from getting literally knocked through a wall, he couldn’t help but feel that somewhere out there, the gods were enjoying toying with him. He couldn’t help but lament the fact that he hadn’t seen the spell coming at all; he had gotten much too excited that Savayna was going to tell him something, anything, so he let his guard down. As he was addressed, he realized Savayna was pulling him to his feet. Boy, did he hit his head heard, though he forced himself to focus as the man before him would speak. On the surface, Grant was as calm and collected as ever—he would attribute years of discipline to this. After all, a prince was expected to be able to make decisions under the most dire of circumstances. Still, he found himself shocked when the man introduced himself as Atticus Frost—better yet, as Atticus Glacie. As Savayna would reprimand him for wanting to come, he would very briefly give her a look, though he would focus on the matter at hand. They were surrounded, and they didn’t look like the type to just let them walk away freely. It took Grant every fiber of his being not to smile and say ‘Hey look, we ended up finding him anyway!’ but this was neither the time or place. Though in all fairness, had he known her father would be a dangerous looking fellow who had an entire force under his command, he could have reconsidered it. Maybe. Either way, this was a prickly situation they were in. “[color=purple]A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mr…[/color]” He almost said ‘Glacie, though he was sure Savayna would probably stab him in retaliation. “[color=purple]…Frost. Quite the setup you have around here, though the many refugees you’ve chased out of Mt. Bur-Omisace are hardly appreciative.[/color]” [hr] Emiri lowered her arms, a disappointed look on her face. She looked back at Keiran, who would give her a shrug, though she would focus back on Wesley and Nadeline. That was definitely a threat, though she was more than sure he didn’t have it in him to apprehend him—or rather, he didn’t have it in him to get through Emiri to get to him. The dark haired youth would comply as he would reveal himself, resting his elbow on Emiri’s shoulder as he would look at the prince curiously. “How very rude, I’m not fooling anyone,” Keiran stated rather haughtily, looking at the pair with a frown. “I thought it’d be nice for you all to meet up again, but the thought has gone unappreciated. Especially after she was left behind by you lot. Though it’s funny, I assumed you’d continue straight to Dalmasca, but your honor brought you here, didn’t it, Wesley?” Nadeline shook her head at him, though she wasn’t sure who was more of a threat—the unknown man, or Emiri, especially after what she had seen. There was definitely something wrong, but what was it? Was he controlling her? Was that how he knew Wesley’s name despite this surely being the first time they had met? “[color=coral]It is our duty to ensure the safety of the people,[/color]” She stated, not liking how quiet or comfortable Emiri was with this man. [i]He is the reason Chaos is silent.[/i] Ultima would whisper to Nadeline. [i]Be wary, for he is not the only foe before you.[/i] Emiri let out a small sigh, staring wistfully at the sand. “[color=palevioletred]They don’t care about me anymore, they wouldn’t be happy to see me,[/color]” She said, a sad tone in her voice. “[color=palevioletred]Oh well. We should carry on, then.[/color]” What was she talking about? And like hell was Nadeline about to let her go off with this man! “[color=coral]Emiri, that’s not it at all! You were supposed to be in Stigma, but you…you—![/color]” The princess hesitated, for a moment, though she could no longer deny what she had seen. “[color=palevioletred]You’ve lost it again, haven’t you?! You attacked Aloa in Stigma![/color]” Keiran’s eyes widened. How did she know that? He looked over at Emiri, who seemed to be remembering something. “[color=palevioletred]Shion started it, and the viera chose to intervene…as did your mother,[/color]” Emiri corrected her very seriously, though a smile would play on her lips. “[color=palevioletred]Then you know that I won the battle, right? Not even Shion could stand in my way…and now, I can get my revenge.[/color]” Nadeline narrowed her eyes, though she would back away from Wesley as she stared at Keiran. He must have been controlling her somehow. There was no way the girl would do any of that of her own volition. Withdrawing her rapier, she earned surprised look from both Emiri and Keiran. “You’d draw a weapon on your friend? A bit harsh, isn’t it?” Keiran asked as he would take his arm off Emiri. “[color=coral]I see the puppetmaster before me and I will cut your strings behind Emiri’s actions![/color]” Nadeline announced, pointing her rapier at Keiran. Keiran laughed, though he would take a step back as he looked at Emiri. “She wants to pick a fight with you! Hey, Prince, you think this is a good idea?”