[center]Su-Mi Kim[/center] [center][img]http://i1127.photobucket.com/albums/l630/kim23412/title726150919_zps01skcjyh.png [/img][/center] Su-Mi snapped out of her daydream as she heard what Aki said. [color=7bcdc8]"Woman or not it shouldn't matter. Women shouldn't be treated any nicer than anyone. Besides....If he wants to put himself in that situation let him. It's his risk."[/color] She whispered to him as she slowly started to stray from her usual personality. [color=7bcdc8]"I have a feeling there will be conflicts here...It's best to choose your battle wisely. I learned that the hard way..lost a tooth actually hehhe" [/color]she giggled as she went back to draw again. This wasn't old Seoul this was a whle other ball park. There were rivalries, conflicts prejudice she can just tell it by the eyes of everyone here. [i][color=ed1c24]"You wont last one minute here..someone will defeat you and then what? I cant come in to save you...You know if you controlled your quirk..you coud actually do something impressive...But I wont help you..Help yourself"[/color][/i] Su-Mi pouted as she pondered that thought. [color=7bcdc8]"that's possible? what do you mean gain control? I can be conscious if I do? how?" [/color]she asked a little too loudly. But she silenced herself with a blush. [color=7bcdc8]"Aki?...What do you think will happen here? Do you think we will really be able to become heroes?...I hope...But hope means nothing"[/color] she muttered softly. She soon started to Sketch Aki quickly to get her mind off the subject. "[color=7bcdc8]sorry..I'll shut up now"[/color] She lowered her head to continue to draw. She was panicking she needed to calm down beut she simply couldn't. She knew so little. [@Gutshot]