[center][img]https://s29.postimg.org/9ij6eyd6v/Kane_head.png[/img][/center] [hr][center][color=00aeef][b]Kane Yoshida[/b][/color][/center][hr] [b][color=fff200]Kane has been watching all the people go up, trying his best to memorize who was who and what they all could do. Eventually, it came to be his turn to engage and introduce himself. He dug through his bag, and grabbed his water bottle and stepped forward, making his way towards the front of the class. He took a deep breath, public speaking wasn't his strongest suit, but he was sure he could manage this fine. He gave a small smile to himself, and took a swig out of his bottle, keeping the liquid in his mouth as he stepped to the front.[/color][/b] [b][color=fff200]He waved to the class, and then spurted out his water, causing the fluid to levitate and shape itself into his name, before having it start to freeze over.[/color][/b] "[color=00aeef][b]Hello everybody![/b][/color]"[b] [color=fff200]He said merrily, putting a large smile on his face. He peered around the room, trying to gauge the interest of his audience, before adding on, [/color][/b]"[color=00aeef][b]As you can see, my name is Kane Yoshida, and my quirk is my rather obvious ability to control water.[/b][/color]" [b][color=fff200]He said, before letting the ice crystal fall to the ground, shatter, and then float back into the air as a cloud of ice shards.[/color][/b] "[color=00aeef][b] I look forward to studying and learning with you.[/b][/color]"[b][color=fff200] He said, opened up his water bottle. and funneled the ice into his drink. Kane waved goodbye, and walked back over to his previous spot, the water in his bottle stirring itself as he walked.[/color][/b]