“[color=ed1c24]How long must we wait?[/color]” Jaakuna scoffed loudly. Three hours they have been waiting. Three hours the quad group of Jackson, Reia, Lorenzo, and Nila had been waiting for an audience with his Eminence. When it was decided that Nila would come along, they rushed towards Roman’s office, but his assistant - Anya, her name was. A pretty thing. She had sandy hair, dimmed red eyes, and a decent complexion. She had the usual Archadian accent, though it was Northern Archadian, so it wasn’t as clearcut. She told them that Roman was very busy. He had meetings all day. Even when Jaakuna told him who he was, she said there was nothing they could do. Even when Reia and Lorenzo tried, they met the same answer. More minutes would pass and Jaakuna had brought himself deep in thought. His eyes narrowed down at the ground, he moved his lips but nothing was said vocally. Why had Roman not recieved us at the Aerodome? Why was there a representative from grandfather? Why did it seem that denying his escort was something bad? Why did Grandfather not receive us when we arrived? “[color=9966cc]Hey bucko![/color]” Nila nudged Jaakuna. JAakuna flinched. “[color=ed1c24]Oh, sorry.[/color]” Jaakuna apologized uncharacteristically. “[color=9966cc]You look like you were contemplating something rather intense.[/color]” “[color=ed1c24]I was just thinking.[/color]” “[color=9966cc]Oh god, we all know what happens when you start thinking.[/color]” Jaakuna said nothing in response, he simply continued what he was saying. “[color=ed1c24]I was thinking about how the three of us got here, and there was an Archadian Soldier sent to us from my Grandfather. He said he was going to escort us here. When we denied him, he acted as though it wasn’t a request.[/color]” JAakuna said, biting on his thumb. “Then there’s the fact that, when I called Roman earlier, Grandfather Hamut answered.” he said. “[color=9966cc]You’re just overthinking it. I’m sure nothing is amiss. Even if it is, Roman won’t let that happen.[/color]” “[color=ed1c24]I guess so.[/color]” Even if she was right, there was something that Jaakuna couldn’t quite shake off. Call it a gut feeling, but he didn’t like this one bit. [hr] “[color=steelblue]And yours as well, Prince Grant of Rozarria.[/color]” Atticus smiled, curling it into a smirk when Grant called him ‘Frost’. Obviously he feared Savayna more than he did the improper way to address a man you had just met. “[color=steelblue]I’ve heard a lot about you. I am to understand that you were engaged to the Lady Emelia Inabi, correct? The daughter - albeit fractured beyond reproach daughter - of an esteemed general of the Rozarrian army. Seems as though that’s your type.[/color]” Atticus mused, laughing lightly. Savayna gritted his teeth. “[color=lightblue]And what’s that supposed to mean, you bastard?[/color]” “[color=steelblue]Well, just look at you, Savy,[/color]” Atticus gestured to her, “[color=steelblue]you went from being promised to one Archadian Prince to marrying another who, after killing his father —[/color]” “[color=lightblue]He didn’t kill Emperor Simon. It was a false claim.[/color]” “[color=steelblue]Yes, I’m sure it is,[/color]” he mused again, “[color=steelblue]—but he went on the run after that, leaving you a broken mess. And then, after all those years of being on the run, he gets himself involved with that Inabi girl. And here we are. [/color]” His arms were wide open, “[color=steelblue]You are now with another prince.[/color]” Atticus said, “[color=steelblue]I wonder, will he abandon you like the others? Since you are a cursed child, I am quite sure he will..[/color]” Atticus said. “[color=lightblue]Oh, like you did to my mother.[/color]” Savayna snarled, eyes flashing crystal blue. Atticus mused nonverbally. “[color=steelblue]I see. So it’s close, isn’t it?[/color]” Atticus looked to Grant. “[color=steelblue]Oh, I apologize, Grant, I never actually did comment about those refugees, did I? How rude of me.[/color]” He feigned regret. “[color=steelblue]They don’t matter. None of them do, not with Zodiark out and about.[/color]” Savayna was surprised. How did he-- “[color=steelblue]Let me stop you right there.[/color]” Atticus said, freaking out Savayna even more. “[color=steelblue]You’re wondering how did I know about Zodiark?[/color]” Atticus stepepd forward once more,gesturing those surrounding Grant and Savayna to back away. “[color=steelblue]Be gone.[/color]” They dispersed, giving Atticus the alone time with Grant and Savayna he willed. “[color=steelblue]Prince Grant, you assume I’m the leader because why? I have these insignificant pests following my commands? I can see how you would think that. But no, I am simply one step on the chain of command. There is another who is above my position. This person —[/color]” Atticus heard the doors of the temple open. “Speak of the devil and she shall appear.” As the doors opened, Savayna watched intently. Though shadowy at first, as the figure would step into the light, it became clear. Who the person was, how Atticus had known about Zodiark -it all became clear when Savayna saw that face, the hair, the armor.. “[color=0f52ba]Well isn’t this a surprise,[/color] “ she said, “[color=0f52ba]Prince Grant and General Glacie here. And at the right time too.[/color]” “[color=steelblue]Master Leviathan, I told you I could handle it. There was no need to —[/color]” “[color=0f52ba]Nonsense. I live for reunions, as I’m sure your sweet daughter was thrilled to see you again, as I’m sure the Prince here is thrilled to see me again.[/color]” Levi said, stepping close to Grant, hand on his cheek. Savayna didn’t like that, but Levi’s other hand would tighten and Savayna was stick in place. “[color=0f52ba]How is my favorite Rozarrian?[/color]” Levi hissed seductively. She curled a dangerous smile, tongue moistening her lips. [hr] As he stepped forward, WEsley had eyes on the boy behind Emiri. He knew what he must do: kill the boy so Emiri could be freed. But that would be a bit more difficult than he had hoped. Emiri, as Nadeline had said, was being controlled by this person. Wesley raised his hand once more in front of Nadeline. “[color=fff79a]Let me handle this.[/color]” Wesley said. He knew he would get resistance from her, so he looked at her, colors of orange dancing in his irises. No doubt she caught wind of Wesley’s intention. Wesley never took his eyes off of the man. He was gauging him while also planning his next couple of moves. He could dart straight, knock out Emiri, and go for him in the same movement, but if that one was responsible for the Mist he had been feeling all day, then that was easier said than done. But what alternative did he have? [color=a0410d][i]There is another course of action, Wesley.[/i] Hashmaal said, [i]let Nadeline handle Emiri.[/i][/color] [color=fff79a][i]But she won’t be able to handle it much longer.[/i][/color] [color=a0410d][i]Better than the alternative of you suffering from a two-on-one assault.[/i][/color] Wesley had to admit that was a better plan than him trying to do it solo. “[color=fff79a]Very well,[/color]” wesley said, “[color=fff79a]Nadeline, do you think you can separate Emiri from that abomination long enough for me to strike?[/color]” WEsley asked.gripping his Yagyu Darkblade that had been surrounded by a strong mist field of white and orange.