[center][b][center][h2][color=8882be]Aki Ogawa[/color][/h2][/center][/b][/center][center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/5b3c2540-3de1-4789-99d9-df1bb4609548.png[/img][/center][center] [b]Interacting with [@Aladdin sanity][/b][/center] Aki kept his deadly glare on Ken until Su-Mi's voice suddenly distracted him. [color=7bcdc8][i]"Woman or not it shouldn't matter. Women shouldn't be treated any nicer than anyone. Besides....If he wants to put himself in that situation let him. It's his risk."[/i][/color], Su-Mi whispered to the bookworm. He chuckled. She had a point, and, sighing, Aki responded to her statement with a quiet, [color=8882be][i]"Sorry, I didn't mean for it to come off as sexist. I just can't stand for that kind of brashness"[/i][/color]. Though Su-Mi continued the conversation, Sazama's voice perked Aki's curiosity upwards: to see her standing there in flames. [center][i][color=fff79a]"We're all fighting for the same side. Who cares who's number one? Will the civilian who's trapped under rubble care if you're the best in your class? It doesn't matter how good you are, it's the good that you do. The world is counting on us, so let's act like the kind of heroes they'll be proud of..." [/color] [/i][/center] Sazama's flames dimmed as she returned to her seat, now seemingly on high alert. Aki, going back to his conversation with Su-Mi, said, [i][color=8882be]"If anything, I agree with Sazama"[/color][/i], just loud enough for the celestial being to hear herself. To the boy's surprise, he was not met with Su-Mi's usual smile, but instead her downcast head and blushing. [color=7bcdc8][i]"Aki?...What do you think will happen here? Do you think we will really be able to become heroes?...I hope...But hope means nothing"[/i][/color], Su-Mi responded abruptly, her hands scrambling for a pencil and starting to draw what looked to be the outline of Aki's face. Had the class argument and words really been that tough on her? No, this seemed to be a more personal problem with Su-mi, which, combined with the almost frantic doodling, uneased Aki sufficiently. Collecting his thoughts after a short silence, Aki whispered to the saddened girl once again. [i][color=8882be]"Then I guess you don't believe in heroes, the literal manifestation of hope. The ones that keep REAL people safe, the ones you see in everyday, REAL life. And really, it's ignorant to not believe in something that's real, isn't it?"[/color][/i], Aki said. He soon continued with, [color=8882be][i]"Heroes are as real as day, and thus, shouldn't hope be just the same? Never make a disconnection between the two, because that's the only thing that produces nothing". [/i][/color] [center]Aki, to, had come to Komei Academy to search for a purpose.[/center]