[center]Su-Mi Kim[/center] [center][img]http://i1127.photobucket.com/albums/l630/kim23412/title726150919_zps01skcjyh.png [/img][/center] Su-Mi's drawing was interrupted by the weight of something on her head. Her eyes scanned up to see the proud tall silhouette of Sazama. The words she spoke were as if she read her mind. Yes exactly this petty egotistical view of a hero was stupid...she smiled at how admirable the girl was. She chuckled a bit as she nodded in agreement "[color=fff79a]We're all fighting for the same side. Who cares who's number one? Will the civilian who's trapped under rubble care if you're the best in your class? It doesn't matter how good you are, it's the good that you do. The world is counting on us, so let's act like the kind of heroes they'll be proud of..."[/color] Su-Mi quickly sketched the very words down. Something to be inspired by...[i][color=ed1c24]"wow i guess she isn't as much a dumbie as she seems like..I like her..."[/color][/i] Su-Mi nodded softly in reply. Her thoughts were interrupted again as Aki responded. [color=8493ca]"Then I guess you don't believe in heroes, the literal manifestation of hope. The ones that keep REAL people safe, the ones you see in everyday, REAL life. And really, it's ignorant to not believe in something that's real, isn't it?", Aki said. He soon continued with, "Heroes are as real as day, and thus, shouldn't hope be just the same? Never make a disconnection between the two, because that's the only thing that produces nothing".[/color] Su-Mi stared at the boy wide eyed. Wow....[i][color=ed1c24]"oohh he's hot"[/color][/i] she simply ignored the voice and slowly nodded. [color=7bcdc8]"You and sazama are really amazing people....You inspire me..Ok I wont doubt your words..."[/color] she smiled and chuckled softly before turning into a full blown fit of muffled laughs as she covered her mouth. A;; this doubt and stress for nothing..If they can handle it...then so can Su-Mi. [color=7bcdc8]"You are a very wise person mr. Aki...haha"[/color] she turned away shyly and continued drawing. Soon she started to cal;m down and felt normal again. [color=7bcdc8]"stop affecting my mood...just because your bored..I promise you'll have your time to shine" [/color]she whispered to her voice. [i][color=ed1c24]"Oh i know..You'll see..well maybe not but everyone else will see how great we can be" [/color][/i] [@Gutshot] [@KimmiNinja]