[h2]Konpaku Youmu[/h2] It was a complex dance, in a way. Something that the white-haired girl was used to performing. And yet, no matter how many times she had done the steps, she continued again and again. She was still in training. No matter how accomplished she became, she could always improve. she still hadn't reached Grandfather's level. To truly live up to her family name, she had to keep practicing. Her katana cut the air, the misty form of her phantom half elegantly whirling through the air as the water fell around her. Roukanken's edge struck a single droplet and parted it. Than another. Than another. Konpaku Youmu sheathed her blade as the water fell around her. Without pause, she drew Hakuroken. In a single motion, she cut three more droplets of water before they could hit the ground. The wakizashi was sheathed in an instant on her hip. Youmu straightened. The number of droplets had nearly doubled, her blades slicing them through so swiftly that she increased the amount. And yet this wasn't enough. No, if she wanted to reach Grandfather's level, she had to train harder. Placing one hand lightly on Roukanken's hilt, the small girl looked up. Myon followed her gaze. The second bucket was hanging from a thin pole of metal, supported between two wooden struts. Myon shot forward and struck the bucket, flipping the contents and letting the water fall out. First, to divide it into droplets. Youmu drew Roukanken and swung it upwards, the blade and rushing air parting the falling liquid. In a flash, she had sheathed it again, shutting her eyes. Then...! Youmu opened her eyes, and just barely stopped herself from drawing the blade when she realized her surroundings were no longer the gardens of Hakugyokurou. In fact, it was some place she had never seen. Cobblestone streets, tall buildings... indeed, it was completely unlike the architecture of Japan, the things that Youmu was used to. "... I... what... is..." [hr] [h2]D.Va[/h2] The ocean roiled. The smoking mechanical figure, enormous and imposing, sank back into it, vanishing slowly into the ocean, like it had many times before. The last of the robotic minions it had deployed collapsed to the ground in a smoking wreckage. All in all, it was a job well done. "MVP: D.Va!" Even if there had just been a serious combat operation, the voice that came(with some electronic distortion) out of the small bipedal and very pink machine was a bright and cheerful one. Oh, certainly, she had just done her duty. Yet again had she defended Korea from the giant omnic that continually rose from the sea to attack it... and yet again, she felt like she'd done a great job! The best job out of her whole team! But it was still a team, right? After all, you didn't get [i]this[/i] good without understanding how team games worked. But that didn't stop her from being the best pilot out of all of Korea's MEKA pilots, not by a long shot! Just as she turned to flash her teammates a V-sign from the interior of her cockpit, though... Well, they weren't there. Neither was Korea, for that matter. Hana Song found herself on an empty cobblestone street, surrounded by old-fashioned buildings... [i]really[/i] old-fashioned. Like, medieval Europe old fashioned. That didn't make any sense. That absolutely didn't make any sense. Where were her teammates? Her home? The ocean? ... And her stream was shut off! "Wh-wh-what?!" [hr] [h2]Nishimura Yuki[/h2] The long pink hair swooshed behind the girl as she walked along, stretching. The sun was sinking low in the sky, drifting deeper and deeper as she headed home. Ah, it seemed kind of surreal, didn't it? She was so used to wearing a girl's uniform now... and it hadn't been that long at all since Megaloyuria had been defeated, either. And yet here she was, walking home just like normal again. But that was how it should be, right? She was a magical girl. She had her normal life, and the life she spent making sure the innocent were protected! Right now, her friends had already split up and gone to their own homes. Hers was only a little further, just one block away... Nishimura Yuki stretched again with a yawn. Ah, it was pretty quiet today, too... there weren't any Negari causing problems. Innocent people didn't have to worry about them for a little while, though Yuki was still going to go on patrol later that night. Still, that didn't mean she couldn't spend a little bit of time relaxing before she... [i]tried[/i] to get her homework finished up quickly and then headed off for her patrol. In any case, however, she was hardly expecting to step into a cobblestone alleyway surrounded by medieval-style buildings. "..." "..." "..." "... Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhh?!"