Chara looks over at the person she was walking towards and tilting her head at the girl's question. [color=ed1c24]"Wait you can see Flowey?"[/color] She asks and stops a few feet away. [color=00a651][s]"Chara, there is no way that she can see me. Remember I'm a figment of yoir imagination. Besides the whole voice part, yeah I'm an actually thing inside of your head but you are imagining what I look like."[/s][/color] Flowey says smiling putting his hands over her eyes, [s][color=00a651]"Maybe I should take control for this one."[/color][/s] Flowey then sticks out his long red tongue waiting for her repley. [color=ed1c24]"No Flowery. Not this time no shut up and let me talk to this person."[/color] Chara frowns and fans him away with her right hand and looks over at the girl with a friendly smile. [@Grifter]