There was a swirl of lights, then darkness, and then a disorienting gravitational jerk, and Magnus felt his body re-forming into something solid. A spark of recognition hit him as he had felt this sensation once before, once, when he had walked out onto the mortal plane. Memories resurfaced as he realized that this was all wrong. This, simply shouldn't be happening. With a thundering crash, the large daemonic form of Magnus the Red smashed through trees and shattered rock as he manifested improperly on the surface of a material world. His durable body felt no pain, but he was no less angry as his wings snapped out to grab the substance of air and magic lashed out to grab onto whatever constituted matter in this plane of existence. Magnus righted himself according to the local gravitational field and for the first time in uncounted centuries, he felt a moment of panic. It was dark, and he found himself in a forest, thankfully alone and not under attack by whatever had caused him to be here. Fenris was first on his mind, but it could have been any of a hundred thousand worlds. However he had gotten here, he could not remember, and that was both infuriating and terrifying. He quickly looked around for adversaries, yet found, nothing. "Ahriman?!" He called, still a bit disoriented at being forced into physical form. No answer. This world was different. His body was different, for he could feel none of the warp around him, and strangely, nothing of Tzeentch, the chaos god who undoubtedly had a hand in this bullshit he now endured. A brilliant light then shone from above, and Magnus struggled to identify it. His senses, his power, was comparatively gone. He couldn't just magically "go back." Remembering the burdens of material movement, he leapt into the air and flew up toward the light, embarrassingly searching for answers. Higher and higher he rose, yet he couldn't reach it. Surveying the land below only told him this world was feral, until eventually, he saw a civilization on the horizon and felt only faintly the energies of thousands of lives. Only after landing on a ledge did Magnus settle and consider his circumstances. Had he done this to himself? If he had escaped his master, then surely Tzeentch would be looking for him. If only he could remember what he was supposed to do next to assure his escape. Perhaps, he thought, he should start with finding out when and where he was. He still had enough psychic ability to telepathically communicate with any intelligent xeno life. Hopefully, he could avoid getting immediately blown up on the spot and banished back to his Empyrean prison. Magnus began walking toward the city he had seen. (I'll say he is somewhere in zone 22?)