"Yup. This is one of my hacker friends, Vorrie. Vorrie this is Taylor...um....he's a...friend." Amelia gave an uncomfortable smile. [i]"You sure he's just a friend?"[/i]Vorrie asked slyly. Amelia ducked her head. She was acting strangely and Vorrie picked up on it with a mysterious glint in her sky blue eyes. Amelia saw Vorrie's look and snapped back to her normal attitude before her cunning friend could pick up anything different. "Okay, what did you want to talk to me about?" Amelia said, grabbing her laptop and positioning it on her lap. [i]"I found one of the companies that makes the robot pieces, however, their firewalls are like crazy protective. I need you to help me."[/i] Vorrie took a laptop out of her own backpack and opened it up, leaning back into the cushions. She passed a piece of crumpled paper to Amelia. Amelia took it and quickly scanned the security details Vorrie had scavenged. Suddenly she remembered that Taylor was in the room so she turned to him. "Taylor, you know basic hacking right? Could you help us a bit?" She passed on the piece of paper to Taylor, their fingers brushing ever so slightly. Vorrie watched the exchange with a raised brow. Amelia ran over to her room and lugged out another laptop she kept just in case. She patted the seat next to her and placed the laptop down before focusing back on the task at hand. "ASSHOLES!" Amelia shouted at the computer screen shaking her head as her fingers ran over the keyboard. She barked out commands at Vorrie as she shook her head again and again at the screen. [@Riverbeak]