Reia didn't like where this was going, not one bit. She listened to Jaakuna as she sat, her chin high as she would bring her usual air of grace. Still, there was no hiding any of what Jaakuna mentioned, and it actually made her nervous. No, she was already nervous; treading on the grounds of another country wracked her nerves more than she wanted to admit, and this simply proved to shake her up moreso than usual. Letting out a small sigh, she would look at Jaakuna pointedly. It wasn't that she blamed him per se, but if soldiers were to suddenly come in and assassinate them all, it would be his fault. Lorenzo, on the other hand, didn't seem as concerned as Reia or Jaakuna. He was pretty relaxed all things considered, humming a low tune quietly as he would tap his knee. He knew Reia was nervous, but he figured paying no mind to it would help rather than harm. If he would try to assuage her, it would simply feed into her fear. He did, however, let out a loud yawn, instead deciding to focus on Jaakuna. "[color=darkorange]Hopefully we'll hear something soon, getting bored,[/color]" He admitted rather nonchalantly, and Jaakuna would see where Nadeline would get it from. [hr] The what now? It was public knowledge that Emiri and Grant were once betrothed, though he couldn't fathom how Frost knew all those details. It did shock him, but Grant remained at the ready. Yes, he knew a lot, but what was he really after? It was clear now that he almost wanted them there, but for what purpose? Had they run into a trap? Or was it just coincidence? It had to have been something else--especially when the topic of Zodiark came up, though their questions would much too quickly be answered, and Grant's face hardened as [i]she[/i] would walk in through the door, waltzing around, parading herself. Damn snake. Grant had half a mind to smack her hand away, though it was out of growing up better that it didn't happen. He stared at Levi with cold eyes, though he would let out a scoff as she would mention him being glad to see her. "[color=purple]Who wouldn't want to see the very snake that had left him for dead at the hands of an enemy Empire?[/color]" He asked, sarcasm dripping with every word as he would take her hand and softly push it away from his face. For just a split second, he had to tear his eyes away from her lips, and he felt ashamed to do so. Stupid woman and her stupid seductiveness. "[color=purple]Though I fear the thrill is completely one sided. I admit my surprise at seeing you of all people here, though I'm not surprised to see you under Zodiark--or is that only until you find something better?[/color]" [hr] Keiran clucked his tongue in disapproval, a finger on his lower lip as he eyed the couple before him. He didn't like the look of Wesley's magicks, nor did he want to see them in action. How should he go about doing this? Keiran preferred strategy over battles, though hedoubted Wesley would let him sit on the sidelines while Emiri would battle them both. Speaking of the girl, he wasn't quite sure if she would be able to do combat with an ally. Was this what his master also desired to see? If that was the case, then Keiran needed to do his part as well. Nodding to himself, he looked over at the brunette, who hadn't taken her eyes off the pair. The boy leaned over, an arm over her shoulders as he pulled her to him. "Come now, Your Highness, this girl doesn't want to fight!" He said, comforting Emiri. "She just wants you to understand her sorrow, is that too much to ask?" To his surprise, Emiri would pull herself away from him, an uncharacteristically angry look on her face. "[color=palevioletred]They don't care about my pain. So long as they get to live in their 'Happily Ever After', everything else is just an afterthought,[/color]" She said, darkness seeping out from her. "[color=palevioletred]As long as they're happy, why would they give a damn about anything?![/color]" Nadeline actually took a step back. The darkness was coming from Emiri? No, it couldn't be! But it was true, and Nadeline witnessed it firsthand. Keiran let out a chuckle as he would step back, seemingly falling, but instead he would sit in midair. He would snap his fingers, a great pool of darkness forming behind Emiri. A giant claw would reach forth and grab the ground, pulling itself out of the darkness and [url=]revealing itself[/url]. It let out a rather loud, ear-piercing roar, flapping its wings as it would take to the sky. Emiri herself would summon her sword, her clothes changing into her rather flashy and rather revealing set, and she would hold her head high, her crown glinting in the sunlight. There was no time to hesitate as the creature would roar once more, swinging its claw and sending out a literal wave of darkness. Nadeline leapt over it, charging her sword with magick as she would run towards Emiri. The brunette had a rather wicked grin on her face, bringing her blade down as Nadeline would swing, and their weapons would clash and erupt, darkness versus fire. Nadeline skidded backwards from the explosion, though she would jump back as Emiri emerged from the explosion unharmed, swinging her blade with such a force that the darkness left behind a trail with every swing. [i][color=coral]If I keep her occupied long enough until Wesley can make a decisive blow, we may have a chance,[/color][/i] She told her Esper as she would parry an attack and go for the counter, though she was dismayed when Emiri dodged it with ease. She let out a gasp as Emiri lunged at her, her sword barely missing her face, and she stumbled slightly. [i][color=coral]If she doesn't slice me to ribbons first, that is.[/color][/i]