“[color=0f52ba]You act as though I’ve wronged you, Princey.[/color]” Levi said, removing herself from Grant’s personal circumference. “[color=0f52ba]Sure, you might’ve went through some bad patches over the past months, but I think it was for the better, don’t you agree?[/color]” Levi gestured to Savayna, “[color=0f52ba]I mean, just look at where you’re at: you’re as close to Savayna’s home as you’re going to get - and no, I don’t mean Archadia. I mean your [i]real[/i] home of Glacier Village. And you got to meet her father.[/color]” Levi looked at him. “[color=0f52ba]So, tell me, Grant, what exactly do you have to complain about?[/color]” Savayna reached forth to grab Levi’s dark, kinky hair. She got a fist of it, and she punched Levi in the face with her free hand. Levi let her do it on purpose, as it was obvious by how she licked her lips when that punch drew black...blood? What the hell?! [hr] Jaakuna wasn’t usually a patient man. Actually, he never had been very patient, but circumstances demanded he swallow his usual tendencies, and wait with the others like a good boy. Oh how he hated being that boy scout. Just once he would like something to happen that didn’t involve overthinking and getting his ass numb. And suddenly, he heard steel meet marble floors. It sounded like marching. Several steps from the sounds of it. JAakuna looked over and saw about a dozen of Archadian soldiers. All of them were armed, all of them had guns out, and all of them walking over where the four of them sat. For a moment, Jaakuna had hoped they were going to Roman’s office, but his hopes sunk into the sea of dread when they stopped right in front of them. “[color=ed1c24]Um, can we help you?[/color]” They stepped aside, letting someone through. It was Isaiah. “[color=goldenrod]Oh, JAckson.[/color]” he said, as if not expecting to see him. “[color=goldenrod]They hadn’t told me you were here. And Nila too? Well, howdy[/color].” “[color=ed1c24]What’s going on?[/color]” Isaiah sighed, “[color=goldenrod]unfortunate orders, I’m afraid.[/color]” “[color=ed1c24]Orders?[/color]” “[color=goldenrod]Empress Reia Alexandria Roselia, Prince Lorenzo Jeremiah Roselia, by decree of His Eminence, the Emperor Roman Darcone, I hereby place you under arrest on the charges of espionage and conspiracy against our Emperor’s life.[/color]” Isaiah said, pulling out his sword, “[color=goldenrod]please come willingly. I have been permitted to use force if needbe.[/color]” “[color=ed1c24]Isaiah, what the hell?![/color]” Jaakuna stood up, shouting. “[color=ed1c24]You can’t do this![/color]” “[color=goldenrod]Jakson, if you interfere, I have been instructed to arrest any and all who get in the way,[/color]” Isaiah said, sounding as if he had no choice in the matter. “[color=goldenrod]That includes the crown prince of Archadia.[/color]” Jaakuna didn’t know what was happening. He didn’t understand it at all. He couldn’t just stand back and let it happen. [hr] Wesley, guided by Hashmaal’s will, dashed forward towards the beast. It was the perfect chance for him to strike. While Nadeline had Emiri’s attention, Wesley would seize the moment.With his blade poised in both hands,Wesley willed his Order Seal to cast a trifecta of Protectga, Shellga, and Faith, while gathering remnants of Haste. As he did that, his movements were increased almost twice as much, almost to the point where Wesley was able to leap to the skies, and slash at the beast with surgical precision. The blade, which had been surrounded by his purifying mist, surrounded both of the two in a field of white. “[color=fff79a]Beast of darkness, by the decree of the Bringer of Order, I, Wesley of the House Alexander, bring order to your existence.[/color]” WEsley raised his blade. Mist gathered around him and above teh two. “[color=fff79a][i]Regio Julcio![/i][/color]” Wesley’s voice echoed in a layered effect, almost as if Hashmaal was speaking through him. And in that same moment, the god’s might was felt as purifying bolts of pearl and gold pierced through the beast, damning him to his worse nightmare. When the field dispersed, Wesley looked ahead, and saw the beast, while still standing, was crying with screams of agony. It wouldn’t be long until his existence ceased.