>run grammar check on [@Tyler Night] *eats both of your apostrophes and wonders why vampires and dragons didn't get any. And why human didn't even get an S.* >welcome [@4n0m41y] Salutations! I find you interesting. And amusing. I'm crazy. ^.^ >banter with [@Buddha] Well, I personally find the oddity here intriguing, and am highly amused by the responses given. Also, since this is a board of HEY HEY HEY, it pays to stand out a little. It can also ferret out people with similar minds or senses of humor. Those answering are being playful and doing what good rpers do best: staying true to the initial premise. So in my personal opinion, it's less crazy and more creative, even clever. Certainly not stupid. Besides, you say crazy like it's a bad thing. =P