As concerning as the black blood was, Grant couldn't help but have his focus elsewhere. All this information they were getting, how exactly had they come by it? It was almost as if they had had an eye on their activities, as if someone had told them everything about them. But it wasn't possible--he even neglected to tell the rest of the group why they were going their own way. So how [i]did[/i] Levi know about all that? For a moment, she reminded him greatly of Lola, who 'had her own way' of getting information about them. Was there a possibility that the pair were working together? The thought was enough to make him raise his eyebrows, though he wouldn't give Levi the satisfaction. "[color=purple]Selling me out to an Emperor to have me hanged may count as wronging me,[/color]" Grant pointed out, though he eyed her carefully. Now that he recalled, that black blood was similar to the blood those demonic looking entities had bled back when they had gone out in Archades. So Levi really was working for Zodiark--and had gotten more than her fair share of power from him, it seemed. "[color=purple]The better question is what you will do now, your movements and involvements are as unpredictable as ever.[/color]" [hr] Espionage and conspiring against another Emperor? How bitterly familiar that sounded--though it was Roland who had those exact charges. Reia would've laughed had the situation not turned so dire, though she couldn't help but raise en eyebrow at the judge. How boys loved to play the authoritative figure, especially without so much as a spec of proof. She had never met Roman, much less conspire against him, but during his reign as Marquis of Bhujerba, she had heard a lot about him. So much so, that she was fully aware these charges were little more than obvious lies. Hamut was likely the culprit--the only reason she couldn't quite guess was why. Unfortunately for her, Lorenzo was less than calm. The blonde man looked positively offended, and would stand, each gun cocked and aimed at him as he would place his hands on his hips. "[color=darkorange]The hell you talking about?! We just got here with Jaakie and we're being arrested for no good reason?[/color]" He scoffed, clearly annoyed. "[color=darkorange]Why is it that anytime someone tries to do something good, someone else has to come along and fuck it up, huh?![/color]" Indeed. Reia wholeheartedly agreed, though she was glad to see that, at least, they didn't target Jaakuna or Nila. She did, however, find it a bit strange that they accused Lorenzo as well. Wasn't she enough? Reia would slowly rise from her seat, a hand on Lorenzo's shoulder as she would force him to sit back down. "[color=turquoise]That'll do, my brother, but there's no point in resisting on my part,[/color]" She stated, lightly brushing out the wrinkles in her sleeve. "[color=turquoise]However, Judge Ixion, you are mistaken. Under the decree of your conspiracy laws regarding outside influences of those non-Archadian born, section four, sub-article sixty-two, a foot regarding specifically those of royal blood not belonging to any house of Archadia--including Rozarria, Dalmasca, and other fallen countries--as long as you have proof of the accused's royal bearing, only the reigning Emperor--Empress, in my case--is to be held responsible for any and all crimes against Archadia,[/color]" She stated, almost rambling as she would flick her earring, giving it a glow. "[color=turquoise]I hold here the Eye of Roselia, proof of my heritage. In layman's terms...I will take sole responsibility of your accusations.[/color]" Lorenzo almost opened his mouth to retort, though he knew exactly where this was going. If this was a legitimate claim, Ixion would take her and only her. If this was something fabricated, Ixion would ignore her--either claiming the laws had been updated (something that so rarely happened these days) or saying any other reason--and take both her and Lorenzo. The man briefly took a look at Jaakuna, wondering if he was paying attention. Still, what would happen next would depend entirely on what Ixion would choose to do. [hr] Keiran watched Wesley intently, his left eye a glowing red as he studied his movements. He seemed to have a good handle on his Order Seal, this much he would admit, though the prince had been talented before receiving it. A truly shining example of a descendant of the Dynast King, and Keiran may have even congratulated the man. Still, now wasn't the time for that, and his master had yet to send him another order, so he would keep his attention for now. The beast was on its last legs, but everyone knew that the time when any living being was most dangerous was when it knew it was going to die. The beast's inner core would glow ominously, a sickly green color protruding from it. It seemed to still have at least one more trick up its sleeve as it would take flight once more, albeit barely keeping itself off the ground. Roaring once more as the core would become more erratic, it simply flew towards Wesley, intending to take him in a kamikaze attack. Meanwhile, Nadeline was struggling. There had been a time in the past where she and Emiri were just about even in swordsmanship, but now, it took everything she had just to avoid getting stabbed, and even then, the numerous cuts on her body showed just how far behind she had fallen. Emiri was now faster, stronger, and more honed, though she was unsure if it was because of their travels, because of the dark powers boosting her abilities, or a combination of both. She had to admit the girl was certainly keeping her on her toes, though she had a feeling that Emiri was just toying with her. Why did she not land a decisive strike? Was the old Emiri still in there? Or was this just a clever ruse so that the moment she let her guard down she would go in for the kill? Their blades clashed and locked with one another, Nadeline gripping her rapier with two hands, though she nearly cried when she saw Emiri pushing back with only one hand. Those violet-red eyes of hers were crazed, yet sharp, a determination she had never seen before etched in her face. "[color=palevioletred]You're slipping, Princess. I suppose you've come to rely on your Prince far more than you should,[/color]" Emiri's voice was a quiet taunt, though her lips would smile. "[color=palevioletred]I understand...I was weak, too. I let my sorrow consume me...and now, I'm even better than before.[/color]" Nadeline glared at her. "[color=coral]I believed in you, I believed you would not give in to the darkness,[/color]" She snapped. "[color=coral]What a fool I was. The only weak one between the two of us is you.[/color]" Emiri didn't like that, and while her expression didn't change, the fact that she pushed back harder definitely gave it away to Nadeline. "[color=palevioletred]Shion couldn't hold me! Aloa couldn't cleanse me! What makes you think a spoiled princess like you has any way over me?![/color]" Emiri growled, annoyed as she sent Nadeline's blade to the ground. The princess was caught off guard, and would come to regret it as Emiri would kick her square in the stomach. That wonderful feeling of losing all the air in your chest following shortly afterwards, though Nadeline threw herself to the side to avoid Emiri's dark blast. Scrambling to her feet, she barely dodged the first strike, but was unlucky with the second, letting out a cry of pain as Emiri's sword sliced through her arm. The brunette shoved her to the ground, a rather condescending look on her face as she watched the princess. "[color=palevioletred]Oh Prince! Your damsel awaits you! Ride in on your horse in shining armor as you always have![/color]" She called out to Wesley, pointing her sword at Nadeline, though she gave her a dark look. "[color=palevioletred]It must be so nice to always have a hero there, waiting until just the right moment to come in and sweep you off your feet.[/color]" Nadeline managed to prop herself on her elbows, matching Emiri's stare. "[color=coral]And what of your prince? Have you forgotten about Jaakuna?[/color]" She asked. For just a second, Nadeline though she had gotten through to her, though Emiri burst out laughing. "[color=palevioletred]You want to know something? Just last night, he said 'I won't leave you', even after he had abandoned me before! And what was the first thing he did after that?[/color]" Emiri shook her head, letting out a sigh. "[color=palevioletred]But I've learned my lesson. I won't sit around waiting for his return. That damsel in distress is dead. Only a witch remains in her place,[/color]" Emiri replied quite bluntly, raising her sword above her. Now it was Nadeline's turn to laugh, causing Emiri to hesitate. "[color=coral]I'm glad you've said that. Now, I won't hesitate to strike no longer,[/color]" She stated, holding a hand out as a glyph appeared beneath her. Emiri immediately jumped out of the vicinity, sword at the ready as Nadeline would pick herself up, her hair and clothes swaying as the wind surrounded her. "[color=coral]I heard your thoughts, I saw what you did. And I know that you aren't angry at all. Worry not, for I will free you![/color]" She announced, Ultima's symbol on her hand glowing. Keiran peered at the princess. Oh, that can't have been a good thing, especially with all that pure Mist roaming around her. Was she going to unlock her Seal as well? That could potentially bring a problem to the table. He bit his lower lip, deep in thought. Perhaps this had been his master's true intentions? No doubt the prince was finishing up with the beast, and would come after him next. He closed his gray eye, leaving only his red eye open, his hand under his chin thoughtfully.