They didn’t have very much time to ponder the strange man’s cryptic riddles for the next several months, as they successfully planted the beginnings of their information warfare on both Coruscant and Dromund Kaas and the intel began to feed onto less well-known channels on the HoloNet, people would begin to take notice of their little rebellious movement and they would be scrambling to try and cater to their new network of supporters-supporters which flooded in FAR quicker than any of them could have anticipated. Neta had dropped back into her Spec ops leader role almost flawlessly and had taken up a second-in-command position to Dorne, providing a voice of tactical guidance for the duo as they tried to wrap their heads around the concept of having to step into pseudo-leadership positions. Naturally, as the two who had discovered the True Sith’s resurgence in the first place, they had become quite the figureheads and while they left the bulk of the tactical decisions to the older, more experienced members of the group, they still had to hit the ground running and learn fast. The good news was that more exposure meant more help, smugglers and former mercenaries crawling out of the woodwork to offer their services in order to aid the resistance. Whether it would last through time, Cheriss had commented in a clipped manner, they would only have to wait and see. But with Neta spearheading their efforts to expose any and all the True Sith leaders as the frauds they truly were, it was no surprise that they eventually had to concede they could no longer hide in the shadows and that’s when the sting operations had begun. Through some careful snooping from specialised members of Havok (and also Bek, Kandar and their colleagues) they managed to discover that the initial purge of Force users that Bracknell had declared had not been so straightforward; many were still being held prisoner temporarily until the Alliance could get the manpower together to “ensure they were properly disposed of”, as Saresh put it in one news broadcast they had caught the tail end of. It was a crazy idea, but they had collaboratively concluded during their next strategy session that boycotting those transports and liberating the captive Force users would be an excellent way to not only bolster their numbers but also to boost the morale of their current troops. It would take some time to organise, but many of their haphazardly-formed Council (even Ailel, Matthew and Voldon were forced to admit that while an aggressive solution, it was the best they had) agreed they should take steps towards arranging it. In the meantime, Aria had been kept busy leaping from training or messing around with Yerbol (something they learned not to take for granted as they never knew when they would have to work apart again, although their bond had grown in strength and they found that even while apart they could still, however faintly, feel the other’s presence in some way) straight onto a shuttle to go darting out to act as a convoy for approaching defectors. The hyperspace route between known space and Zinuthra was quickly becoming not-so-hidden, and any craft which Soto, Bracknell or Saresh suspected to be heading towards Wild Space co-ordinates was often intercepted and shot out of the sky before they could even get there. Aria was still the more adventurous of the pair and had jumped at the opportunity to volunteer to lead “Operation Guard Dog” as Neta had affectionately dubbed it, closely accompanied by Kira. They had worked together on more than one such operation and while it was nowhere near as fluid or effortless as her teamwork with Yerbol, she liked the redheaded Knight; Kira seemed to appreciate Aria’s sarcastic sense of wit where many others either chided her for being overly-abrupt or simply got offended. It was nice to have somebody other than Yerbol that understood her snarky disposition and wasn’t bothered by it. It was the first time Aria could ever really say she had considered people as her ‘friends’, properly. Or even best friends, in Yerbol’s case, much to her father’s distaste. Though Roan didn’t approve of their developing relationship, the constant grumbling and threats directed towards Yerbol had stopped and the former Sith Lord had developed a kind of ‘quiet tolerance’ to his presence in Aria’s life. He made no further protests to their spending time together despite keeping watch over them out of the corner of his eye whenever he could. While it usually annoyed Aria that Roan would still accompany them on missions, she had never been more glad to have him and the tomb beasts around than the incident with Senator Iwoi, during which she could have sworn Yerbol had very nearly met his end due to flying out of the nearby window, had Roan not appeared in that precise moment to halt the Knight’s momentum mid-air and set him back on the ground. After the initial shock of the incident had worn off, it had become somewhat of an inside joke between the pair, though Yerbol always seemed less fond of it being brought up in conversation than she was. Presently, Aria was rising from her seat as their shuttle touched down in the hangar bay they had managed to improvise ever since their rebellion had gotten more substantial, looking forward to meeting up with Yerbol again after several days stuck in close proximity with a plethora of diplomats, the typical ‘look-down-their-nose-at-you’ (though they spent half their time stressing how grateful they were that the Force users had taken the time to escort them since they were ‘feeling rather threatened by the Alliance’s increased military presence along the route’) political type that Aria had spent most of her early years around. They were just as boring as she remembered and she was desperate for a chance to get away from all of it even for a little while, before they attempted to put their “prison break” operation into proper action. Bidding Kira a quick farewell (and ignoring the redhead’s furious jibes of how ‘she would pay for leaving her to deal with these snobs if it was the last thing she did’), Aria danced around their latest charge of grateful rescuee’s and quickly flitted through the compound to their assigned quarters before anybody else could ask her for “just one more favour!”, thankfully she managed to look tired enough that nobody would begrudge her a few hours of rest after such a long flight. She would find Yerbol seated on his cot, looking up almost immediately as he no doubt felt her approach before she actually stepped through the doorway. Nonetheless, the Knight would scarcely have the time to get to his feet once again before she threw her arms around him and graciously took advantage of the hug he had been pre-empting. Over the past few months, the gestures had become a lot less awkward for them and what had started out as another quip shared between them had become almost second-nature now, especially after they had been apart for such a length of time. “Boy, am I glad to see you!” she laughed softly after he had set her down and they had stepped apart slightly to talk again. “I thought that route was never going to end. They spent the whole trip ‘catching us up’ on the current legislation hullabaloo that Bracknell’s been trying to pass in the Senate, if you could even call it that now.” her nose wrinkled in distaste at the memory. “Do you know he’s trying to make it illegal to possess any kind of holocron or teaching archive without authorisation papers? Probably a pathetic attempt to try and track down the stuff we leaked back and destroy it for good.” She flopped herself down onto her own makeshift bed, folding her arms behind her head as she looked up towards the ceiling. “How have things been over here? Any movement on that shipment of Force users yet?” though of course, she wasn’t REALLY interested in talking business, or anything about the war. At least not for a few hours. It was about time they took some ‘time off’, if for nothing else but to save their sanity. Aria quickly realised this, holding her hand up to halt anything he had been about to say in response to her original question. “Actually, you know, let’s go goof off for a while, I’m sure Neta will be the first one to tell us when it’s “go time”.” a teasing grin graced her features as she noted the discarded packaging and proclaimed. “I thought that’d cheer you up. We should petition for Neta and Elara to request a bigger shipment next time, that stuff’s about the only edible thing we’ve got and it’s always the first to go.” her eyes twinkled, and it was impossible to tell whether she was being serious in her next statement or not. “I had to start a fight with the little old lady in the shipping depot to get that sent back ahead of us, you know.”