"Nice to meet you Vorrie." Taylor greeted, but felt uncomfortable, perhaps even a little shy when Vorrie asked if Taylor was just 'a friend'. He made a dumbfounded sound in the back of his throat, similar to the word; 'uhh-'. Taylor was awkwardly watching the two women move around with their brains on their fingertips. He was about to cough, to ask if he could do something, when Amelia spoke to him. "Yeah--- well- I know the most basics, but I'm not sure I'm near the level of hacking skills as you are-" he replied, taking the paper. His heart skipped a beat when Amelia's fingers touched him. He had to hold back a goody smirk. Taylor began to read the paper, nodding and humming lightly to the few scribbled numbers and letters. Amelia suddenly ran to fetch another laptop, as she guided Taylor down on the couch. A few seconds later Amelia gave him a laptop, as he began to fiddle around with it. He had no idea how this laptop worked, and when he thought he was about to begin with some brainstorming of the different hacking methods, he yelped when Amelia shouted 'assholes'. "..-jeSUS!" he croaked out, looking at Amelia with a hand over his heart. He retreated to the his screen again; before he tried to calm down and do some work. He began to snoop around the firewalls, looking for weak points, when he noticed something recognizable. "..interesting..." he mumbled, and stood up with the laptop. He looked at Amelia. "Do you have some paper and a pen?" he asked, looking at her. [@ineffable]