“[color=0f52ba]That’s a very good question, Prince Grant,[/color]” Levi mused, turning to Atticus, “[color=0f52ba]what [i]should[/i] we do with them?[/color]” “[color=steelblue]You’re leaving it up to me?[/color]” Atticus asked, taken aback by the sudden faith that Levi just showed him “[color=0f52ba]Of course. I am simply here as an overseer. You are the captain of this wonderful band of brothers. Besides,[/color]” Levi gestured to Savayna and Grant, “[color=0f52ba]these two are your family. Savayna is, by blood, your family, and Grant is well on his way of being your son-in-law.[/color]” Levi chuckled at the thought of that, “[color=0f52ba]so surely you have [i]some[/i] idea on what you want to do to them.[/color]” Savayna couldn't believe this. Black blood spewed from Levi’s mouth and she hadn’t commented on it once. Not only that, but she had been ignoring Savayna for minutes. Instead, she had been conversing with her rotten, no-good father about what they should do with her and Grant. The nerve of that wench! Savayna tightened her fists. How she wanted to wipe that smug look off of her vile face. She wasn’t going to give that bitch the chance to do anything with either her or Grant. “[color=lightblue]I’ll tell you what —[/color]” Before Savayna could finish what she was going to say, she felt such a sharp pain in her shoulder that it caused her to scream louder than she had ever screamed before out of pure agony. It was such an ear-screeching scream that it made her fall face-first, all the while she was clenching the injured shoulder. “[color=0f52ba]You’re quite a tenacious warrior, Savayna. That much I will give you.[/color]” Levi said, twirling corrupted, corrosive water in her right hand, “[color=0f52ba]but do you honestly think that you can make threats to me while you have corrosive water flowing through your bloodstream?[/color]” Levi closed her fist, and something in Savayna’s shoulder burned like an inferno, causing her to screech out once more, this time higher than before. It was almost to the point of her crying from the pain. [hr] Jaakuna just looked at Reia as she completely dismantled Isaiah’s great speech of arresting her and Lorenzo. It brought a smile to his face. It was even more apparent when he saw the neutral look on his cousin’s face curve into a slightly annoyed expression, giving Jaakuna the impression that he didn’t expect this to go the way that it had. FOr a moment, Jaakuna thoguht that maybe he would forget the entire thing, and they woudl just turn tail, and go back where they came from. But of course that wasn’t going to happen because Reia offered herself as a sacrifice. Terrific. Just fucklng terrific. Jaakuna’s smile was gone. His hope that they all would be able to remain in peace without worry was gone. Nothing but the realization that someone - most likely his grandfather - had planned it perfectly to interfere with what Jaakuna had hoped to do. Cursing not so loudly, JAakuna could only watch in disbelief as Ixion returned to his neutral expression. “[color=goldenrod]You’ve studied foreign laws extensively.[/color]” Ixion chuckled, amused. “[color=goldenrod]Only someone who had every law of Ivalice memorized could know which one would fit this very situation you find yourself in.[/color]” Ixion laughed again. “[color=goldenrod]I suppose I have no choice then.[/color]” Ixion sighed, “[color=goldenrod]Empress Reia Alexandria Roselia, I fully accept the terms you have laid out in front of me and the Soliders of the Imperial Army. As such, I will not bring any further legal charges to the Prince Lorenzo Jeremiah Roselia.[/color]” Ixion said. He stepped forward, “[color=goldenrod]now please, come with me.[/color]” Ixion gestured his arm forward, and in a matter of moments, the soldiers were hauling Reia away. “[color=ed1c24]You’re going to pay for this, Ixion.[/color]” Jaakuna swore as he snarled lowly at Ixion. “[color=goldenrod]I am sorry it had to come to this, Jackson, but orders are orders. You are free to appeal to the charges if you wish. Grandfather should be in his office.[/color]” That was the last thing that Ixion said before he turned, and followed the hoard of Archadian Soldiers that had Reia. Jaakuna screamed out of anger, cursing up a storm of obscenities that caused people who were passing by to give him looks. He told them to fuck off and threatened to kick their asses if they didn’t get out of his sight. Of course, they fled in terror. “[color=9966cc]Calm down, Jaak —[/color]” Nila was cut off by a deathstare from Jaakuna. “[color=ed1c24]Don’t tell me to calm down![/color]” Jaakuna snapped at Nila, ceasing any further words she might’ve had for him. [hr] “[color=fff79a]I see that only made it angrier.[/color]” Wesley cocked a smirk. For sure, he thought Royal Judgement was going to be enough, but it seems that it only added fuel to the fire. As he held his sword in front of him, Wesley would mirror what the beast was doing: he took to a run. Where the beast became engulfed in green light that made Wesley’s hair stand up on every part of his body that had hair, WEsley became surrounded by a brilliant orange light, purifying any remaining remnants of it's foul mist. And then the two came to a clash. The beast had met WEsley’s blade. They were at a standstill. Foul Mist threatened to overtake Wesley’s light. And though the Dalmascan prince wanted anything but that exact thing to happen, he found himself on the defensive. His strength was starting to slip. The beast - and the mist it oozed in the quantities - was inching closer and closer to Wesley’s personal circumference, and threatened to consume him. [color=a0410d][i]Push Wesley! Push![/i][/color] [color=fff79a][i]I..Can’t. It’s too much.[/i][/color] [color=a0410d][i]You are a descendant of the Dynast King. You have the blood of Raithwall himself flowing through your veins. This beast is [b]nothing[/b]. Show it that you will not bend the knee to the likes of its kind.[/i][/color] And something within Wesley awoke. It wasn’t anything like the Order Seal. No, this was more of an inner-fire, a desire to do his ancestor proud. “You are absolutely right, Hashmal. Thank you.” Wesley said. As he pushed forward, brilliant light overtook his sword. In the matter of just one moment, the Yagyu Darkblade was no more. In its place, a blade almost twice as long, opposite of color, and with the symbol of a sun at the top took its place. In its stead, the Yagyu Darkblade was no more, for The Sword of Kings took its rightful place. “[color=fff79a]I..don’t understand.[/color]” “[color=a0410d]It’s simple, Wesley,[/color]” Hashmal said, materializing next to Wesley. “[color=a0410d]You have finally deemed yourself worthy as King of Dalmasca.[/color]" Hashmal said, giving Wesley a respectful nod. Wesley looked a the Sword of Kings. It was the same as it was before, but for some reason it was a lot..stronger, seeming to be infused with strong magicks like he had never seen before. “[color=a0410d]The Sword of Kings that you hold in your hand is the complete version, because inside its crevices are the spirits of the fallen kings - your father, Jonathan, his grandfather and his grandfather’s father, the Queen Ashelia, and Raithwall himself - all of them empower of you, all of them judged you, and all of them, with their might, recognize you as the rightful heir to the Dalmascan Throne.[/color]” Wesley heard Hashmal speak. He heard all of those words. They even registered with him, but the only thing that he could focus on was the way this blade made him feel. First off, it made him feel powerful, more powerful than he was with the Yagyu Darkblade. Secondly, there was a sense of rightful purpose that he was experiencing, as if something that laid slumbering finally woke up. And the last thing, a warmth that was unexplainable. All of those things, combined with what Hashmal said, made Wesley absolutely sure that going on this journey was the right thing to do. It would be further proof when he would look at the beast who stayed at bay due to the mist field surrounding the Sword of Kings. As Wesley stepped forward, the beast had been forced back even more. Each step would force it back one pace. As Wesley gripped the hilt with both hands, he would slice downward, and send a wave of purifying mist towards the beast. It not only would surround the beast, but in doing so, it would cleanse the world of its vile existence. Wesley would hear the screams of agony it let loose as it dwindled into nothingness. “[color=fff79a]As it should be.[/color]” Wesley commented, taking a knee. After a moment, he rose to his feet, and looked at the boy who just looked at him with a smile. “[color=fff79a]You are next![/color]” Wesley pointed the Sword of Kings at the snickering boy.