[center][img]http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/608d99cb2c4283fe6ee1ed42990cf9a9/http://i288.photobucket.com/albums/ll195/msxlooser/anime/troy.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h1][color=0076a3]With Only Seconds to Spare[/color][/h1][/center] [@Animal][@FallenTrinity][@Gutshot][@liferusher][@Skepic][@Duoya][@Demous][@Shmektheshmuck][@sharksama][@cloudystar][@Nerv][@Aladdin sanity][@Pudding][@KimmiNinja] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5PTDZM_9ZY&list=PLeVpBn1kBIuesDSG4r96E3HFf-E8czJ6_] The bus slowed down and a panicked young man made his way to the front of the bus.[/url] [color=0076a3]"Gaaaahhhhh! Out of my way, OUT OF MY WAY!!! AHHHHHHHH![/color] The bus doors opened and he booked it for the school, another four to five blocks away. Everyone on the bus had to stand or move away from the young boy as anyone close to him had felt the hair on their body stand on end and if not that, they would get a light zap every time they touched the metal poles on the bus. A sigh of relief fell over all of those on the bus as it continued down its line to their destinations. Garen zipped in and out of alleyways on the quickest path he knew that would get him to the sch- [color=0076a3]"AH!"[/color] [color=9e0b0f]"Ack!"[/color] He had collided with another young ma in the same school uniform, causing them both to fall over. The boy Garen ran into shoved him off and stood up, pulling out a cigarette and lit it. [color=9e0b0f]"Get the fuck off me you moron! Jesus Christ.. Slow the fuck down..."[/color] The smell of tobacco filled his nostrils as he looked up. The boy had a shaved head going around the sides while the top of his head was full of hair, part of which was standing high in the air. Stern yet lazy eyes glared at the electro-kid as he inhaled another drag. [color=0076a3]"Right yeah! So sorry-"[/color] [color=9e0b0f]Gi...Just call me Gi.[/color] [color=0076a3]"Sorry Gi-sa-[/color] [color=9e0b0f]"Gi! Don't start adding bullshit suffix to my name. It's not necessary...Anyway I gotta go. Later.."[/color] With that the boy walked off, a hand raised as a simple "so long" gesture. He watched him for a moment before he realized something. Taking out his phone he looked at the time and screamed before becoming nothing more the a trail of dust. [I][b]8:25am[/b][/I] Not even a minute or two later he was at the front gates of the school, fumbling with his key card, causing the door to open and close on him. [i][color=0076a3]Come on COME ON@!![/color][/i] He grit his teeth as with a final battlecry he swiped his card and bolted right towards his class room. [b][i]8:29[/i][/b] The main floor was blocked off by guards for some reason and so he quickly thought about the fastest way up. [i][color=0076a3]"That guy earlier said something about being late expels you and something else...what else did he say..."[/color][/i] He gripped his hair as he ran left, unable to figure out what the guy meant. He ran and glanced up at the clock he was about to pass and his heart sank. 6 seconds left on the clock...And the class was right down the hall. If anyone would have taken notice to the glint in his eye and the position he took, one could think he was attempting to beat an Olympic 5m sprint record. That, and the final battle cry he let out as he ran down the hall and flung himself into the classroom, his head slamming into the teachers desk just as the bell rung. With his face smushed against the desk he raised his hand. [color=0076a3]"Goorn va stram, repotin fer duty."[/color] Slowly he stumbled to his feet and made his way to his assigned seat. Anyone who watched him enter, meaning everyone, would not think much of him. But when he moved through the class and sat down, they would notice and if they didn't their classmates would notice their hair standing on end.