Grant didn’t like where any of this was going, not Levi leaving Atticus to decide nor how Levi continued to demonstrate exactly how much she knew about them. Savayna moved forward, and while Grant moved to stop her, something else had beaten him to the punch. Her pain seemed to be coming from her shoulder, a magick Grant recognized. He had only heard about it once, though Levi had seemed to have put her own personal touch into it. He clumsily managed to catch Savayna before she hit the ground, though he could do nothing for her pain. Levi had them exactly where she wanted them, and what was worse, she was just messing around. How he wished Nadeline was with them. She would surely be able to alleviate Savayna’s pain, or have some sort of idea how to go about cleansing it, but Grant was at a loss. What was he to do? Why wasn’t he able to think straight? Perhaps it was because he hated the feeling of being trapped, and it was like he was back in that prison cell in Archades. Vincent had been the same, managing to break him down with little effort. Was he that weak? Was he truly that foolish? [i][color=indigo]Enough.[/color][/i] Zeromus reprimanded him sternly. [i][color=indigo]Since when have you been one to self-doubt?[/color][/i] [i][color=purple]There’s a difference between doubting yourself and knowing you are utterly screwed,[/color][/i] Grant defended himself rather bitterly. [i][color=purple]Our backs are to the wall with swords at our throats. There’s nothing to do, nowhere to run.[/color][/i] [i][color=indigo]And you would simply lay down and die?[/color][/i] He had a point. Even if it was fruitless, even if it led to death, it was better to try and fail than to not try at all. What had he been doing, doubting himself like that? He had come here with a purpose, although now that he was fully aware Savayna’s father was little more than an asshat, he was going to prove himself to her. Gently placing Savayna down, Grant would stand, adjusting his collar as his mark on his hand glowed brightly. “[color=purple]I’m afraid I’ll have to ask you to stop that, Leviathan,[/color]” He asked—no, he outright ordered it as he would brush some dust off his shoulder. “[color=purple]I take back what I said when I asked what you were planning to do, as I’ve just about had enough of this little game between you and I. My decision has been made—once you release Savayna, we’ll be well on our way.[/color]” [i][color=indigo]That’s the confidence I like to see.[/color][/i] Zeromus was pleased, the brightening on his symbol in accordance. [hr] Lorenzo was awfully quiet, all things considered, only exchanging a glance as Reia was led away. Of course she knew foreign law—Reia was a damn nerd about all laws, when their father was King, she wanted to become a member of the Council specifically to deal in foreign policies. They bit her bait, it seemed, though he wondered if perhaps she was the only one they wanted right now. Surely they would find a way to get rid of him, but too many questions remained. As he was about to wonder what exactly was going on, Jaakuna would essentially throw a temper tantrum. And that was something Lorenzo wasn’t about to take right now. Lorenzo clapped his hand on Jaakuna’s shoulder, essentially holding him steady. When Jaakuna would surely try to throw the same deathstare he threw at Nila, Lorenzo would throw his own cold glare right back, unflinching. “[color=darkorange]Instead of wasting time and throwing tantrums, we need to know exactly what the hell is going on,[/color]” His voice was uncannily calm, a quiet fury lingering through his eyes. He was severely disappointed in Jaakuna’s reaction, though he would not blame him. “[color=darkorange]Somewhere along the line, something went wrong. Think, kid, what is wrong with this situation besides the obvious? Why would a foreign Empress be accused of conspiracy when this is the first time she has stepped foot in this country? If your grandfather is calling the shots, what happened to your half-brother?[/color]” He urged Jaakuna to get his head together. [hr] Something within seemed to spring forth through Nadeline, a power she had never even dreamed she could have. She could feel every ounce of Mist around them, every living creature within ten miles, every grain of sand beneath their feet. Was this what Wesley had? Is this what the Seal was? As if answering her thoughts, Ultima would simply chuckle. She couldn’t even explain it, could she? Nadeline would have scowled, but she had bigger issues to focus on now. Emiri narrowed her eyes, though she would simply hold her sword at the ready. Nadeline took in a deep breath, a white Mist surrounding her as it engulfed her blade. Emiri mimicked her, a dark Mist in her blade, charging up. Once again, Nadeline would lunge forward, her rapier ahead of her, and as Emiri would run forth, the two would only stop as their blades collided, their respective energies crashing into one another and resulting in an explosion of Mist that would send both flying in opposite directions. Nadeline couldn’t help but curse as she skidded to a halt, clearly not knowing her own strength. No, that wasn’t it, it was the fact that Emiri matched it that really worried her. Indeed, Emiri seemed to be oozing darkness, practically bathing in it as she would walk towards Nadeline. The crown upon her head was fitting, it was as if she had crowned herself the queen of darkness. Still, Nadeline wasn’t about to give up, instead she would hold her sword at the ready. As the two would make eye contact, their battle would begin once more. [i][color=coral]I will save you, I swear it![/color][/i] Keiran let out a low whistle, though he couldn’t help but chuckle. Indeed, these Seals were truly a force to be reckoned with. Though he thought Nadeline should be more careful; a fresh Seal could easily wane against Emiri’s darkness. As he contemplated the thought, Wesley would address him, and Keiran would look at him with genuine interest. “Done with the little beast already? Bravo, Highness, bravo,” Keiran couldn’t help but clap for Wesley, though he remained sitting in the air. “But I’m afraid I must advise you that me being ‘next’ wouldn’t be in your best interest. Although…” His feet would touch the ground, and Keiran would open his arms, inviting Wesley to strike him down. “You’re more than welcome to try. Perhaps you’ll have better luck than the Blue Rose did.” When Keiran would touch the ground, Emiri took notice right away, backing away from Nadeline. However, the princess wasn’t about to let her get away just yet, and took advantage of Emiri looking away. She stabbed her rapier into the ground, forming a makeshift cage of light around Emiri. She would gasp as the cage would shrink and form a bind on her, though her eyes widened as Nadeline would form a symbol with her hand, the very same one she did back in Stigma Castle. Emiri let out a scream as Nadeline would attempt to purify the darkness, and a single crack formed on Keiran’s face. He grinned, looking over at Nadeline. “Uh oh…now your princess has made her angry,” He warned Wesley, gesturing at the scene. Nadeline held fast, even as Emiri resisted. She ignored her screams, focusing on removing the darkness in her heart. [i]You mustn’t continue![/i] Ultima warned her, catching Nadeline by surprise. Unfortunately, it would not be as simple as she would have hoped, especially when an explosion of darkness would knock her away. Emiri let out a rageful scream, breaking her binds, and it was then that the Mist around her would darken so much that it almost made Nadeline nauseous. Why was it so corrupted?! Was Emiri truly the source, and not Keiran as she and Wesley had suspected? Emiri clutched her chest, panting heavily, though she would then laugh. “[color=palevioletred]Almost got me there…almost,[/color]” She admitted, holding out her sword so that it pointed at the ground. “[color=palevioletred]Too bad ‘almosts’ don’t count.[/color]” [i]She must be incapacitated before you can attempt that again. That darkness is different from the other you have encountered, it runs directly from her emotions,[/i]Ultima said. Nadeline let out a small, happy sigh, grateful for Ultima’s advice, though she would pay more attention as Emiri would drop her sword. It would fall, point in first, though when she pulled it out, another sword, this one colored gold, would take its place. Now Emiri would dual wield them both, taking a battle stance. Jaakuna would’ve been tickled pink had he seen this, though Nadeline didn’t like this new skill. How was she learning these things so fast? All magicks, even the Seals, required [i]some[/i] knowledge. There was no way Emiri could learn these things so quickly! [i][color=coral]If Wesley and I were to fight her two on one, we may have a chance, but that Keiran is a variable…[/color][/i] Her eyes narrowed on Emiri as she whipped her rapier to her side. [i][color=coral]No, I must believe that Wesley can take care of him. All I should do is focus on her…maybe then…![/color][/i] Emiri spring forth, interrupting Nadeline’sthoughts, and the battle raged on.