"Paper and pen? Um, We have holoboards? I'll grab you one." Amelia replied, confused before going back to her room and fetching around her desk for a holoboard. She brought it out and placed it in front of Taylor, turning it on for him and handing him a stylus. [i]"What's up?"[/i] Vorrie looked up from her laptop curiously. "Taylor found something." Amelia explained. Vorrie shook her head, laughing before returning back to her hacking. She leaned over and whispered in Amelia's ear, loudly. [i]"I can just see the hearts floating around here. You sure he's just a friend? I've never seen you with a decent boyfriend before. This may be your first time."[/i] Vorrie smirked before pushing back a strand of purple hair and leaning back over her laptop. [@Riverbeak]