[centre][img]http://i.imgur.com/oRTnLeQ.png[/img][/centre] [@Animal][@FallenTrinity][@Gutshot][@liferusher][@Duoya][@Demous][@Pkken][@sharksama][@cloudystar][@Nerv][@Aladdin sanity][@KimmiNinja] The first week of school went by smoothly, they mostly learned the compulsory things you'd find in any high school, that was until Friday, the day of the hero apprehension test. All week he'd been practicing his quirk powers, increasing the size and power of the compression ball, attempting to make his sister walk on air, practice his karate and pressure strikes and attempting the freezing ability he'd seen in his dream... all he was able to do at the time was making the area around him harder to walk through, still useful nonetheless. Hiro was nervous all throughout lunch break, worried that he wouldn't be able to live up to the test and his comerades, after lunch, when he learned his team, he (internally) wept with joy, his teammates comprised of his new friends, Aki, Sazama and SuMi, he was still unsure if she Thought he was a pervert. As they entered the training ground he was convinced that it was actually a real city, the buildings were real enough. [color=f7976a]"'Kay guys, let's do this!"[/color] He exclaimed before the session started, could his quirk be useful? Could he pull off his new ability? He'd just have to see!