[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170103/e9faaa4188762dbbd3f75e45e1176ffb.png[/img][/center] They studied the video for a while. Jameson seemed to pick up the language a bit. The other two still didn't seem to understand a word. Just then their stomach's growled. None of them had eaten for a while. Exactly how much time since they last ate they weren't sure. John knew from searching the house that there was no food in it. "We'll have to get some food. Nicole while you were out there did you see any food?" Nicole indicated no. "I'll move farther out, see what else I could find." She then headed out the gate. Jameson started exploring the woods around the house while John watched the gate. He noticed a distinct lack of cover by the gate. So he knocked down several trees and piled them up near the gate. Back in town Nicole passes by what she interpreted as a school, level of education unknown. She comes across what looked like street vendors. She studied the currency exchange from the rooftop, she zoomed in on the hands. She waited until no one was looking her way and jumped down to street level. She grabbed a stone and used it to cause a disturbance so she stole some food. Then she made her way back. Jameson found a four legged beast, no clue what kind of species it was. He could tell it was herbivore, it lacked any noticable defensive means. He rushed it with his knife and slaughtered it. He dragged the corpse back to the front of the house. Jameson & Nicole returned at nearly the same time. They stockpiled the food Nicole brought back. John prepared an area to build a fire. Nicole stripped branches from the tree trunks to build the fire. Jameson butchered the animal saving anything unedible for possible use later, such as the fur and bones.