[center]Su-Mi Kim[/center] [center][img]http://i1127.photobucket.com/albums/l630/kim23412/title726150919_zps01skcjyh.png [/img][/center] The first day has gone as smooth as it possibly could for the girl. Though she was scolded for talking during instructions due to her noisy head, everything went fine. Though she put in her utmost effort in every class P.E was the most difficult for her. Since everyone has gotten a good hold of their quirk it seemed only natural to train and use their quirks. Yet for Su-Mi that case couldn't be more incorrect. She had to do laps and severe training since she didn't have the utmost control of her ability. Oh how she panted as she practically stumbled along her god forsaken laps and speed drills. Oh how she wished she could be like everyone else and train accordingly. However she did appreciate the fact she had Sazama as a room mate. Their roommate-ship was pleasant. Though Su-Mi forced her T.V shows and music on the poor stoic girl it was peaceful in their room. The voice however had given her plenty to think about. The hints that she could gain control if she really tried..Or the fact that the voice could take control anytime she wanted as well...Those thoughts kept her up late at night. The day was Friday, a day that had been marked in red marker on her kitten calendar in Su-Mi's room. She dreaded the test. The night before she stressed over to how she was going to succeed and even pleaded to the voice to do a good job in which she simply answered [i][color=ed1c24]"Maybe"[/color][/i] Su-Mi counted each minute until it was lunch. She couldn't eat..she had no time to eat. She simply jogged in place as she mentally prepared. [color=7bcdc8]"ok ok ok ok I can do this" [/color] Finally the Bell had rung and then Su-Mi knew it was her time to make her first impression...The most important one of all. After the announcement of the teacher The Assessment was on. Clad in her gym uniform (in which she hates with a passion) she and her team had spread out into the small replica city. She held the ear piece firmly in her ear as she crouched low to stalk among the little streets. Her eyes scanned ever corner and way that she could. She leaned against a building as she check down the street. There she heard the familiar voice of Aki in her ear.[color=8493ca] "They can very well have a man on every clone, or even more so, so be cautious when approaching a situation guys. Call for backup if you're outnumbered or out-skilled. I'm up on a building trying to get a bird's eye view, everyone else alright?"[/color] "Affirmative. I'm scoping out lower ground...." she answered softly. then Aki spoke again, "Large, five-story building in the middle of beta. One hostage and maybe one villain on the roof." Su-Mi smiled "oK! be careful Do not be seen" she informed. [i][color=ed1c24]"God and what do you plan on doing mr.Spy?" [/color][/i]She smiled as she ran towards to the center. [color=7bcdc8]"I should actually ask YOU that question....What do you plan to do?"[/color] there was a soft chuckle as one of her fists clenched without her controlling it. [i][color=ed1c24]"Win"[/color][/i] And that was all Su-Mi needed to hear.[color=7bcdc8] "Hiro do you copy?..I have a plan and I think you can help me....I spy with my little eye one of the enemies..they're just down the street..." [/color] [@Gutshot] [@Shmektheshmuck] [@KimmiNinja]