[h2][color=fff79a][center]Sazama Nyko[/center][/color][/h2] [center][img]http://i1127.photobucket.com/albums/l630/kim23412/title5614322_zpsppmn3bsk.png[/img][/center] [center][@Animal][@FallenTrinity][@Gutshot][@liferusher][@Duoya][@Demous][@Shmektheshmuck][@sharksama][@cloudystar][@Nerv][@Aladdin sanity][@pkken] [/center] The week went through like a breeze, Sazama didn't mind sharing a room in the dorms. It was with Su-Mi at least, someone she was comfortable with. Then came Friday, the hero assessment which sounded exhausting and stressful. Luckily she was teamed up with those who she referred to as friends which made communication a little easier. After the 4 minutes the villain team had, their team went in ready to rescue the hostages. Aki, who Sazama generalized as the smartest out of the team went straight for high ground to get a better look of the area. Meanwhile, she decided to stay on the ground walking around in hopes of finding a hostage. She didn't want to use her quirk yet, it would be a waste of time and energy. The last thing she would want is to fall asleep in the middle of the challenge or worse, pass out. Her current plan was to use it only when her martial arts alone isn't going to be enough to defeat someone on the villain team. Suddenly Aki located one of the hostages and made his way to there. Sazama looked towards where he was and saw a flash of colors skipping over the rooftops towards the center. [color=fff79a][i]"Alright since there's a hostage in the center it'll be best to avoid that area and look in the other areas to find the other hostages."[/i][/color] Sazama thought to herself making her way into a large building that was supposed to be a replica of a hospital. It wouldn't hurt to check there, it was one of the few buildings on the training ground that stood out. Upon entering it was dimly lit and cold. Reminding her of what happened the first day of school with the Right Wing. She couldn't stop there, she took a deep breath and focused. It was supposed to be dead silent so anything that sounds off would hint that there was a hostage in the building. The first and second floor had no one, but once she reached the third floor there was the sound of someone breathing. It was either a hostage or a villain, or both. After alerting her team about her whereabouts and possible location of a hostage she walks to find the source of the sound.