So I had an idea finally! I figured that since someone's using three Halo characters, adding one more Overwatch character wasn't [i]that[/i] big of a deal really. ^^; [hider=Female Chinese Captain Cold] [center][img][/img][/center] [list][*][b]Name:[/b] Mei-Ling Zhou, but she usually just goes by Mei. [*][b]Title:[/b] [s]The Face of Pure Evil[/s] [*][b]Gender:[/b] Female [*][b]Appearance:[/b] [url=]"Our world is worth fighting for."[/url] [*][b]Personality:[/b] Despite all she's been through, Mei is relentlessly positive and kindhearted, showing compassion for others and truly believing that the world deserves to be protected. The only people she isn't warm towards are bullies and those who would oppress others, and can be surprisingly venomous towards them when compared to how she is usually. She's a bit shy and awkward at times, but that never seems to get in the way of her good humour. [*][b]Ideals:[/b] Mei strives to preserve the environment with her scientific prowess and weather-modification technology. As a member of Overwatch, she was also concerned with protecting world peace in general. [*][b]Biography:[/b] A peerless climatologist from Xi'an, China, as a member of the special taskforce Overwatch Mei-Ling Zhou was a member of their eco-watchpoint initiative dedicated to researching the cause of the planet's escalating climate phenomena. She helped introduce cutting-edge technologies that helped protect at-risk areas across the world, and eventually was stationed at the program's monitoring station at Watchpoint: Antarctica. However, disaster struck when a sudden polar storm of immense proportions cut the station off from the rest of the world, and facing eventual starvation as their food supplies slowly began to run out Mei suggested that the team cryo-freeze themselves until the storm passed over and help could be reached. They were only supposed to be in stasis for a few months at most, but Mei emerged ten years later to find she was the only survivor; the cryo-pods of the rest of the team had malfunctioned and led to their deaths. Not only that, but she found that the world she woke up to had gone through major changes, for the climate issues had worsened, none of the other eco-watchpoints where operational, and Overwatch had been disbanded due to rising popular criticism and internal strife. Still, she wasn't the type to just give up, and so with her climate-manipulation technology in tow she set off around the world to try and re-establish the eco-network and track down the causes of the threats to the planet's ecosystem. [*][b]Powers:[/b] Mei possesses no innate powers aside from being a brilliant scientist and climatologist. [*][b]Weapons:[/b] Mei's sidearm of choice is her Endothermic Blaster, a cold-manipulating gun with four functions. Firstly, she can use it to emit a short range stream of concentrated cold which she can use to freeze any adversaries in place, and its secondary fire function blasts out a solid icicle-like projectile. If threatened, she can also use it to encase herself in a block of ice, protecting herself from harm, and its final function allows her to instantly generate large blocks of ice in the forms of walls and platforms. [*][b]Equipment:[/b] Mei is accompanied by Snowball, a weather-modification assistant drone. Its most notable feature is the ability to create a rapid endothermic exchange, emitting freezing wind and snow to create a localized blizzard. Whilst said blizzard is cold enough to freeze those caught in it in a matter of seconds, it takes rather a lot of power for Snowball to do this and thus Mei only reserves this ability as a last resort. [*][b]Universe of Origin:[/b] Overwatch[/list] [/hider]