[@Aladdin sanity] Hiro was walking above the city searching for Isshin clones or the enemy team when over the radio he heard Aki say he was going to a five story building, then, over the radio, SuMi contacted him, [color=00aeef]"Hiro do you copy?..I have a plan and I think you can help me....I spy with my little eye one of the enemies..they're just down the street..."[/color] [color=f7976a]"h-huh, oh, copy, where is e'?"[/color], Hiro was still confused with the whole pervert situation and stuttered when he heard her voice. he dropped down to the ground next to SuMi, trying not to get too close, [color=f7976a]"look, I've been meaning to ask you, on the first day in class you... oh."[/color], Hiro stopped short as he noticed an enemy team member just down the street as she said.