[@LadyRunic] Great! Thank you. I'd love to join, if you don't mind. I'm leaving my OC's sheet here for you to check it out, and hopefully let me know if it's okay or should I change or clarify something. I feel like I'm risking myself too much with this character, but I tried to make it look a little more than another human to the group (though I could go back to basics if this one is really screwed). I had actually torn myself between that or a half-elf, but wasn't sure about that one either. Either way, here it is... [hider=OC Sheet] [b]Name:[/b] Ireth Eryn. [b]Age, Gender, Race:[/b] 20, Female, DĂșnedain descendant. [b]Appearance:[/b] Ireth stands up not much taller than average height in human female standards (about 1.67m or 5'7ft tall), with a rather discrete both silhouette and aura, inheriting more of her mother's looks than her father's (a DĂșnadan himself). She's got short golden brown hair (cut barely above the shoulders), usually tied in a small bun at the back of her head, and fair skin. Of rounded face, along with tender features that often makes her appear younger, such as a snub nose and thin lips; also, she has big hazel eyes and a slightly cleft chin. Depending on the light or the proximity, one could distinguish subtle dark bags under her eyes due to staying up late at night (reading or sketching, most likely). Unlike what maidens are accustomed to, Ireth is not one to wear dresses and delicate robes. Her clothing is a little more practical out of necessity; she wears a thick maroon robe, along with a long-sleeved shirt and tan breeches underneath (though it is not common for females to wear those, she does as she thinks they are more suitable for travelling), boots and a cloak with hood as well. [b]Equipment:[/b] Poorly armed for a traveler, she carries a small knife in her boots and an elven dagger (from his father) hanging from her waist in its scabbard. Apart from that, she also carries a purse/bag with a strap, hanging from one shoulder to the other side over her hips, large enough to carry at least a book and a few parchments probably, her modest coin purse and an occasional fruit or piece of bread in it for the journey. It wouldn't be a surprise to find some healing herbes in her purse as well. [b]Personality:[/b] The hazel-eyed girl was mostly known for her curiosity, being an avid apprentice. She would always be wondering and looking for answers where she could, reading books or merely observing her surroundings. Once could tell she is quite perceptive, and seldom fails to trust her intuiton about anything. Of brave and adventurous spirit, she wanders around and travels as many regions as she can in order to know and learn more about the outer world. Nevertheless, Ireth's also got a good lot of common sense; she wouldn't go out and try something if she considers it to be dangerous or unreliable. She trusts her wit and heart to make decisions. She is kind and polite with everyone around, but also quiet and a little reluctant when it comes to talking to strangers; it takes time for her to fully trust someone. Fair to mention, Ireth's got a temper, too, so better not to mess with her. [b]Story:[/b] Once she turned twenty, Ireth decided it was time for her to go out of her village and see the world, hopefully learn of the topic that seemed to passionate her the most: the fantastic living nature (such as plants, herbes, animals and other creatures of several species). She /knew/, she could /feel/ they were all linked with magic, and that's what she wanted to prove herself. But of course, to do so, first she had to acquire knowledge. Everyone in Middle-Earth, most likely, had heard of the Istari, wise creatures who knew of real sorcery and held pure magic. She had once met the famed Gandalf the Grey (Mithrandir), who had told her about his fellow wizard Radagast the Brown (Aiwendil). He said the Tender of Beasts might serve her as a better mentor than himself, due to her interests, and showed her the way to go to find him. Thus, she was going looking for the brown wizard when she got in the caravan with the rest. [b]Biography:[/b] Ireth was born in a humble home at the outskirts of Arnor, only daughter to an artisan woman and a DĂșnadan soldier. That is all she knew about his father, for he had left to do his duty not long before she was born. He died in battle, leaving her poor mother to take care of the both of them on her own. Growing up, Ireth helped her mother with house labor and anything else she could. She never knew about her inheritage until she was sixteen, though, when her mother, Baneloth, fell sick and decided to tell her about her father (she had refused to speak of the topic until then). She was given then an elven dagger her father had given her mother when he knew she was pregnant, and kept it well with her few belongings. Before spring arrived, when Ireth had already turned seventeen, her mother passed away. She then started working at an old reliable customer's house, who had known her mother for years, helping with the house work and cooking for them, being given food and shelter and clothes in return. She was also allowed to read the many books the old marriage had, so that's how she begun studying as much as she could before she was old enough to make some money and buy books on her own. It was when she finally turned twenty that she knew it was time to go out and discover the world, looking for experiences that would enhance her little knowledge and help her learn some more. That's all she could aspire for, what she truly desired, so she went for it. What she found was an adventure she never expected. [/hider] I hope that is fine.