Sal His bags Filled with his stuff, weapons strapped to his waist, clothes obviously still on and no nudeness. Sal was indeed prepared to depart. He poured himself a glass of watered down wine and sipped slowly. It would be a long time before he saw these four walls again. He'd miss the decorations he had on the walls, the stories that were told here, the laughs of the people gambling their coin at cards. Sal didn't really care if his people gambled as long as the people were prepared to lose all their coin every night placing their bets. It was when fights broke out over the money was what upset Sal, and in turn got his fighting gamblers kicked out of his tavern. He turned to his security Guard, Billy. A big man and explained to him, "I'm going to be gone for a long time, I need you to run this place. If anyone asks any questions about why you are in charge, just show them this note with my signature on it. It will explain everything." With that Sal grabbed his white robe he used for special occasions, put it on, and headed outside past all his empty tables and chairs as Sal had closed the business for the day. This was so that his leaving wouldn't happen while there was a room full of questioning 'customers.' He grabbed his horse he kept behind the Tavern and hopped in the saddle. He made short work of the trip to the Castle. Sal stopped just in front of the Castle's Gate, dismounted and lead his horse by the reins inside. His robe was a little ruffled and so he straightened it out with one hand as he hoped that he looked the part of the "Holy Cleric", and that the King would be impressed. As soon as he stepped into the entrance hall he turned his head towards some music that he didn't recognize and his eyes widened as he saw a bunch of mice. Its not often that Sal saw mice, much less in a building with somebody who wasn't trying to kill them. It made him wonder, who was that girl?