[@Yidhra] Alright, awesome! [hider=Rubberman] [b]Name:[/b] Monkey D. Luffy [b]Title:[/b] Straw Hat Luffy [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/onepiece/images/d/d8/Monkey_D._Luffy_Manga_Post_Timeskip_Infobox.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/270?cb=20141011154302[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] An endless font of excessive emotion, Luffy explodes with energy at almost all times. When he's happy, he's ecstatic, and when he's mad, he's furious. It's a good thing, then, that getting him seriously angry is almost impossible in most circumstances: Luffy is fun-loving and incredibly friendly to close to everyone he meets, up to and including people trying to kill him. Very little upsets him, save for eating his food, or hurting people he likes. He is fiercely loyal to any person he deems a friend...of which there is a very low baseline to be considered as such. Luffy is also incredibly selfish, doing many of the things he does solely on the grounds that he wants to do them, and making no other excuses for such. [b]Ideals:[/b] Luffy is Anarchy in human form. He seeks a life governed by absolutely no one but himself- a life of total, absolute freedom to go where he pleases and do as he pleases. It is for this reason that he chases the title of Pirate King in his world. He also values companionship and the bonds of comraderie intensely. A "captain" who abuses his "crew" is an enemy of his for life. [b]Biography:[/b] Born and raised on a small island in the middle of a mostly-harmless sea, Monkey D. Luffy was inspired to live the life of a pirate when his idol, a pirate by the name of Red-Haired Shanks, saved his life at the cost of his arm. Entrusted with Shanks' straw hat as a memento, he set out for the seas on his own at the age of 18, determined to form a crew and become the legendary Pirate King by finding the fable treasure, the One Piece. In time, he amassed a crew of very powerful pirates and dear friends, and his journey to find the treasure of legend has led to countless adventures and conflicts, earning him a staggering reputation the world over. Once believed to be dead at the end of a bloody war, he reemerged with his crew two years later, ready to cause havoc once again. http://onepiece.wikia.com/wiki/Monkey_D._Luffy/History [b]Powers:[/b] [i]Gum-Gum Fruit:[/i] Luffy has consumed a Devil Fruit, which is said to grant whomever eats it extraordinary powers. The fruit Luffy ate turned his entire body, inside and out, into rubber. He is able to stretch his body incredible distances in a myriad of ways. However, they will inevitably snap back to his body's original shape, which allows him to use the elastic force of his stretching for powerful attacks. However, there is a drawback to eating the Devil Fruit: Luffy cannot swim. When submerged in any body of water up to his knees, he loses strength very quickly, and shortly becomes unable to move at all. This also applies when touching a very special mineral: Sea Prism Stone. [i]Gears:[/i] Luffy is able to utilize his powers in creative ways to increase his fighting ability. -Gear Second: Luffy, using his rubber legs as a pump, speeds up the blood flow inside his own body a great deal, which causes it to vaporize his sweat and emanate steam. This increases his speed and power tremendously, to the point that his movement is completely invisible to the naked eye. -Gear Third: Luffy bites into his thumb down to the bone and breathes air into it, inflating his very bones to humongous size, turning his body parts gigantic for incredibly powerful punches and kicks. He is able to shift the air inside his body to increase the size of different limbs. -Gear Fourth: Luffy inflates his muscular system, and imbues it with Haki, making his body both incredibly dense and hard, but still rubbery. This makes him much larger, and causes him to bounce, but also enables him to compress his own limbs and fire them out during his attacks, to absolutely devastating effect. When exiting this form, he becomes unable to utilize Haki for ten minutes. [i]Haki:[/i] With training, Luffy has become able to project his own willpower into physical form in several different ways, an art known as Haki. -Armament Haki: Luffy is able to project his will into a sort of spiritual armor, which makes him more resistant to physical blows and makes his strikes more powerful. It also enables him to touch and strike things that are normally intangible. When applied strongly enough, it coats whatever it is applied to in a jet black sheen, as though it were clad in cold iron. -Observation Haki: Luffy is able to read the spiritual presence of life around him. This allows him to sense when people are nearby, and predict incoming attacks before they hit him, though this doesn't mean he is able to dodge them. -Conquerer's Haki: Luffy is able to force his will upon the wills of others, in the form of a large psychic aura or pulse. When focused, he can render weak-willed individuals unconscious by thought alone, and place a mental pressure on his opponent. [b]Weapons:[/b] None [b]Equipment:[/b] [i]Straw Hat: [/i] Luffy's most prized possession, given to him by the pirate Shanks. He does not let other people touch it, and is ready to guard it with his life, or chase whoever steals or damages it to the ends of the earth. [b]Universe of Origin:[/b] One Piece [/hider]