[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/UhJiGvP.png[/img][/center] "Yeah, I guess all I needed was a few pain meds and some good ol' fashion bandages and I'd be right as rain," Robert said, his enthusiastic tone coming off as very disingenuous. "Though, the doctors told me I'm not allowed to leave this room for at least a day so I guess I don't look as good as I feel." At that moment, the school headmaster, Ozpin himself, stepped into the room. The boy couldn't help but wonder what reason someone as important as the man who ran all of Beacon would ever want to come to his room. He was just a lowly student, another face among the masses with no skill or talent to speak of. Did he do this every time a hunter-in-training was in as bad a condition as Robert was in or was he here for something else? He had been the team leader on a mission that went completely FUBAR and they had lost Delta. No, [i]he[/i] had lost Delta. It was his responsibility to make sure everyone came home in one piece, and just like with his old team, he had failed. That was it. It had to be. Ozpin was here to send him away. He had screwed up one too many times and the school had finally decided that enough was enough. "Um... Hello, sir," the red haired hunter said, doing his best to try and look the headmaster in the face. It was no easy task though. After all, this was the boy's dream. To succeed where his father had failed and make his family proud. And now those dreams were about to be quickly dashed. The best he could do was to face his punishment like a man and accept the school's decision. Closing his eyes, Robert held his head high as he waited for the impending bad news.