[h2][center][color=blueviolet]Ako[/color][/center][/h2] Ako really didn't do anything much to gain attention throughout the week. He kept to himself mostly and didn't try to use his Qurik as much as possible. The silent child didn't have much trust for others...especially since the cat lady and his idol pal of sorts, Gahana, was nowhere to be found. He made sure to avoid the large man due to not wanting to be thrown again so the only one he'd ever associate with was with Shoko whenever a partner was needed...if she didn't mind of course. She seemed very kind to be around and didn't make as much noise as the others in comparison, so if she didn't mind hanging with him throughout the week, he would just silently hang out with her...the rare times he spoke were about food and types of food he would look forward to eating. Never speaking about his family or anything personally for certain reasons....not even about his Quirk that much. Eventually, time pressed on and now they were being tested on an examination day of sorts. [hr] Currently lying down on a bench near a fountain at the middle of the makeshift city...he was lying nearby a "hostage" in the shade of a tree. He really enjoyed this hiding spot of sorts, knowing that most would flat out ignore him unless they really pay attention. Ako flat out ignores the orders of the "chief head of their group," refusing to listen to his commands. That and Ako didn't really care much for this activity, he was doing well enough in class just to pass so he was fine with failing this...unless a certain person asks him in the group to actually try. His specialty was defense after all, this was an easy battle if he had to stock up and move the hostage to an easier to guard area especially with his Quirk. His comm device was shut off and at his side...with his backpack on the ground next to the bench. Today, the short teen brought three sandwiches, the third being a special type of sorts. But for now, nap time...having no desire to protect the hostage at all. [color=blueviolet]"...boss man...can do it...I sleep."[/color] [@Shmektheshmuck][@Aladdin sanity][@Nerv][@Duoya][@pkken][@Shmektheshmuck][@Gutshot][@KimmiNinja]