Amelia focused on the task at hand, sometimes getting up to grab an energy bar or a quick mug of coffee before settling back down. She watched as Taylor messed around with her computer, eyes searching at what he was doing. Finally when Taylor rose to stretch and sat back down she gave him a weary smile. "We're almost there, one last major breakthrough and we're done." She checked the time on her watch. 4:30pm. They've been working on this for so long already. Vorrie just gave back a yawn and checked her phone. "I guess I'm going to cancel dinner today with Amber." Amelia reached for her phone and wrote another text to Amber. [quote]Hey, Amber. Probably can't make it to dinner, we'll hang later okay? - Amelia[/quote] Amber responded back immediately. [quote]No prob :( Though you owe me. Spending the night with mystery guy? - Amber[/quote] Amelia ignored the text, shaking her head and letting out a nervous giggle before sinking back into the couch cushions. Her shoulder instantly nested into Taylor's crook of his arm and she rested there, comfortably before turning and raising an eyebrow at him. "What did you find?" [@Riverbeak]