"Well, let's just hope it's going out okay. Vorrie progress?" Amelia smiled at Taylor's cuteness before turning to Vorrie. [i]"Hmm? Yeah...It's going okay..."[/i] Vorrie's eyes were half closed as she typed in several code sequences into her computer. "And your rambling is completely fine." She said before leaning in to whisper in Taylor's ear "Maybe even cute." She gave him a quick wink before she poked his cheek playfully. She reached for Taylor's computer and nestled in even closer as she browsed his Beta program. Good thing that he had overwritten one of her less important programs she noted. "Well let's see how this plays out then." She gave another of her smiles. Seconds later she got a text. [quote]Why are you so different around Taylor? You seem like a different person. But keep her. I like that attitude more. - Vorrie[/quote] [@Riverbeak]