[i]AHEM! This is MxM/bxb, boys love for the win! Muse A is a seme! Muse C is a seme![/i] [b]Muse A:[/b] EmzyOfNeverland [b]Muse B:[/b] AimeChambers [b]Muse C:[/b] Fabricant451 [center][i]This is an RP based around the werecat species made by Sakyou Aya, check out her [url=http://www.mangago.me/r/l_search/?name=Sakyou%20Aya]works![/url][/i] [IMG]http://i66.tinypic.com/2dkiej6.jpg[/IMG] [hider=Werecats] "0.001% of the earth's population are werecats that can transform into felines..." Werecats are people who can turn into cats based on the genetics of from their fathers, there is no such thing as a female werecat. Along with turning into a feline, the half a half form that includes ears, a tail, superior eyes, sharp teeth/cat tongue, and claws. Werecats are able to heal almost any wound when it is licked by them or someone else. Licking can also stop a werecat from transforming. Most Werecats have decent control, but if they feel excited or feel there is a threat, they will naturally want to turn into their feline form. [/hider] [/center] Muse A has always loved taken care of animals, especially cats! He was grounded a lot as a kid for bringing in any stray he could find. Now that little boy is all grown up and working out in the adult world. Coming home one late night, Muse A hears the sound of a soft mewl and sees a hurt Calico cat limp towards him. Taking pity on the poor thing, Muse A takes him home and treats him, snuggling the little kitty as he falls asleep. The next morning, he finds Muse B in his bed with cat ears and a tail! Muse A had taken a werecat home. After communicating, Muse A lets Muse B stay at his place for the time being and love starts to blossom. This is where Muse C comes in. "0.001% of the earth's population are werecats that can transform into felines..." Muse C is a scientist who wishes to study werecats and has found out about Muse B's secret talents. Along the way, searching for a subject becomes exclusive to Muse B alone, Muse C only wants Muse B and no other! Muse B had been living out on the streets for a while and has almost been captured by Muse C many times. Muse C seeks to take Muse B away from Muse A, causing a love triangle! [i]This summary is the base of the rp, the rp starts when Muse B has just escaped from Muse C and runs into Muse A.[/i] [hider=Rules] -All RPG rules apply -No God modding -No Meta gaming [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet] [i]*Anime picture please![/i] -Picture- [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Personality: Biography: Fears: Appearance: Extra:[/b] [/hider]