Oh he held on alright. Fingers in the rigging along the side of the boat. Making sure he had a tight grip, not wanting to go flying. The trip in was simple enough following orders, helping to pull the boat up onto shore so it would get away on them. He loaded a magazine into his rifle once they were in hostile territory. Standard procedure through the foliage, he took up his position on the left, rifle tucked to his shoulder, using the sight on it to scan the trees, as much as his own eyes. Keeping pace, scanning his arcs as they went. He switched to NV as it got steadily darker. His single lens NVG not quite as good as the Panoramic view rigs others had, but until he has time to upgrade it will do. He froze on the halt command. Then hit the ground on command as well. Instinct kicking in. He edged abit to his left, and pushed some foliage aside. And there they were. Two patrolling OpFor. He brought his rifle forward, sighting on one just in case. But didn't engage when the order came to let them go. He kept his target sighted though the whole time. As they disappeared he rolled a little, letting out a breath he didn't know he had been holding. He pushed his NVGs up and looked over at Merlin as he gave orders and his observations. He nodded his understanding. He got to his knees, covering Merlin's run across the path. Waited, looking left and right quick to make sure there are no surprises, quickly snapped his NVGs down and then ran across the open section as well once he knew Merlin is covering him. Back into the cover of the foliage he automatically took up position to watch their back six, sweeping his rifle around, he had his suppressor for it tucked into a pouch, but hadn't immediately thought to screw it on. As they made their way through the forest, he made sure to keep his eyes open. He growled softly, pushing his NVGs up with all the glare from the lights in the base. He waited for Merlin to slide down the slope, getting into his position then lopped over and down another section of the slope, rolling into a bush, going prone and peeking through the leaves. He scanned the base from where they are, counting bodies, counting gear, kit and hardware, "Blacktail here, Warrant Officer, I see your fifteen and raise you another nine,atleast. There by those tents, and again by those crates." He carefully reached into a pouch on his belt, bringing out his suppressor, screwing it on, making sure it's attached, just in case, that extra few seconds of a suppressed weapon may just give them the time to get out clean. He looked over at Merlin just as he looked at him and nodded. He kept watch on the base while his NCOIC radioed their findings. He followed the path of the truck as it rolled in, and he sighted in on it through his C79 sight, "Shiny, new and sparkling Warrant Officer. What the hell is it though?" He kept sighted in on it, just to see what happens, licking his lips curiously, "Quiet work is for Spooks..." he murmured softly. He shifted abit, looked up then quickly darted over to a clump of exceptionally tall grass to his right, getting a better view onto those crates. just as someone popped one open. He sighted in again, then signalled to Merlin, "Wizard, the crates look!" In them were sparkling, shiny, fresh off the forge more then likely rifles, stamped in the M4 style, with all the base bells and whistles, "Looks like they're upgrading. Untraceable, unclaimed weapons, if you want to do wetwork, or cause trouble, and need to make it look like you were never there. Drop something like that, and you're green." He shook his head, wishing he had also brought a digital camera to take note of this. he looked to his NCOIC, "What do you think? Can't make a move this close without being seen by something. Too many eyes." He was with his commander at this point, this OP is beginning to stink. He sighted back in on the other crates watching as one by one, more weapons are revealed, enough to arm a Squad at the least with new M4 rifles.