[center][h2][color=6ecff6]Anna[/color][/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/EzmJZGP.png[/img] [@Animal][@FallenTrinity][@Gutshot][@KimmiNinja][@Aladdin sanity][@Nerv][@cloudystar][@sharksama][@Shmektheshmuck][@Demous][@Duoya][@pkken][/center] All her classmates gave a short introduction to each other, they all were somewhat special. Some looked funny, some had some amazing quirks that were super obvious after they had displayed it. With some of the students it was hard to notice what their quirks was. It was kinda hard to keep track of all the names but Anna tried to remember as much as possible with the people she had already interacted with in front. Although the whole class had noted Anna her presence already it was still kind to at least let them know your name. As one of the last students she introduced herself in front of the group. Anna stood up from her chair with both hands held in front of her lap as she talked looking somewhat nervous. [center]"Hey... My name is Anna and I'm 15 years old. Please feel free to call out to me if you're hurt. I-I'm kind of good at it. Oh and please forget about the smell please... I-I fell..."[/center] Anna sat down with a somewhat blush. It was a little awkward to talk about herself but she was happy to know that other people didn't laugh at her yet. The day went on, during a lesson the concierge came in to ask for Anna. They had found her keys and ID card in the sewer pipe. They were sealed in a plastic bag to contain the smell. They had been cleaned almost 10 times and still smelled just like her. Anna had also gone to the doctor to get a look at her knees and shower in the doctor's office to attempt to wash off the disgusting smell. Well at least the last bit of sewage had come off. [hr] The week has passed by in a flash, or a post so to say. It was very relaxed, they had some tests but still mostly free to do what they want and get comfortable around the campus. There were still lessons though, they were mostly teachers introducing themselves and a minimal amount of homework so it wasn't to hard either. So it was friday. The hero apprehension test was coming up today. It was lunch so they still had some time but Anna her heart was already bumping in her throat. She wasn't used to fighting, Anna was only good in helping others fight and not fighting herself, but up till now she hadn't really bonded with anyone she could help yet. She didn't know if it was okay for her just to help someone of her group without them getting angry at her. Anna shifted her legs uncomfortably. She lightly bit her lip as her back bended forward a tad. She nervously looked around as the teacher began talking. They had to dress in their gym clothes and go to training ground beta. Anna had changed into her gym clothes and followed the others towards training ground Beta. She had put her hair in a high ponytail so it wouldn't get in the way. She had outfitted herself with a small waist bag filled with first aid supplies. It was casually hanging on the side of her hip. So Anna was in the second team, she was happy that she was with the heroes at least. She probably wasn't a very good baddy. The first game was setting up, both teams went into position and it wouldn't take long for them to start. Meanwhile the second teams had to wait till they could start their game.