[@MissCapnCrunch] [hider=Review: Mia // Mirage] [center][b][h1][color=555e66]: : M I R A G E : :[/color][/h1][/b] [img]http://image.prntscr.com/image/47b018d4bad344cf99c37663c6846acd.png[/img] [color=gray][b]“Y'all need some help? I'm happy to lend a hand.”[/b][/color][/center] [color=black][h3] O V E R V I E W[/h3] [/color] [color=555e66][sub]N A M E[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray]Mia Salis.[/color][/indent] [color=555e66][sub]A V A T A R[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray]Mirage.[/color][/indent] [color=555e66][sub]A G E[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray]Twenty Seven.[/color][/indent] [color=555e66][sub]G E N D E R[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray]Female.[/color][/indent] [color=555e66][sub]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray]Considerate. Free Spirit. Stubborn. Family Oriented. Night Owl. Creative. Trust Issues. Though Mia has had her share of trials and tribulations, she remains a fairly friendly and considerate person to everyone she meets. She considers her friends her family, and her family her life. She wants to have a big family one day, and thinks about it often. Sometimes a little too often. Yikes. Mia always sticks with what she believes in no matter what anyone has to say about it. She fights for what she wants, despite being wrong most of the time. She spends all of her nights awake playing video games or doing something creative, whether it doing old fashioned and traditional arts of drawing and painting or the more modern arts through computer and other means the world now had to offer. [/color][/indent] [color=555e66][sub]B A C K G R O U N D[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray]Mia was your typical girl next door. The Southern sweetheart teen growing up. The girl you wanted to take home to your momma by the third date. She lived in a relatively small town where everyone knew everyone and gossip was the only thing that was worth talking about. When she wasn't doing household chores, she was outside with her dark hair flying in the wind, her smile lines deeply carved into her sun kissed skin. One day while painting outside, the storm clouds moved in quicker than usual. [i]"Damn it."[/i] Mia growled, trying to grab her supplies without ruining her work. The sky rumbled with thunder, a huge lightening strike lit up the sky and the heavy rain started to pour. Mia looked up, and let out a huge laugh. This was life, and no matter how bad it got, she found happiness. Her teeth chattered as she quickly began walking back to the house her parents had raised her in, and she now owned. That is when she met Keith. Keith had been the guy in high school where every girl within a 10 mile radius had a crush on, and there he was staring at Mia. "Need an umbrella miss?" he called from his porch, as if the heavens themselves had opened up and spoke through his perfectly shaped lips. Mia stopped and turned towards Keith. He had grown more handsome since high school and it was apparent as the blood raced to her cheeks that she had fell over the Keith curse. [i]"Yes sir!"[/i] Mia called, biting her lip afterwards and shaking her head as he approached her with the umbrella. [i]"Yes sir!? I must look so stupid..."[/i] she thought to herself as he reached her, placing the umbrella over the two of them as he continued to walk her home. The silence was broken by his warm voice, [b]"That is mighty pretty."[/b] he commented to the painting, and Mia was sold. They talked the whole walk home. He wouldn't stop making her laugh. Several bouquet of lilies, two movie dates, and three months later Keith was proposing with the biggest ring Mia had seen this side of the river. Mia moved right in to Keith's home, and was the talk of the town for a few weeks. "What would he want with her?" they sneered between glances, as they walked by. Mia paid no notice, she was madly in love with Keith. The catch of the town, the muse behind the beautiful paintings she began producing and displaying all around the house. [i]"What do you think of this one baby?"[/i] the woman would call from the room she had made into her studio. [i]"Baby?"[/i] she'd call with no answer. Keith wasn't home from work yet, late again for the 25th time that month. Mia's eyes looked up at the clock. The ticking was loud, invading every corner of the room.[i] "He must be getting me something special this time, a gift maybe."[/i] she smiled speaking loudly over the sound of the clock, imagining Keith coming through the door with a huge present for her. Keith never came home, and she never heard from the man again. Rumor mills started as what exactly happened that night, but Mia knew that even the truth was not going to mend her broken heart that she felt. She quickly sold everything she owned that was not necessity, and left for the city. There, she bought a small studio apartment for herself where she began doing free lance art work for some of the upcoming companies. Pariah had been one of the web advertisements she had worked on briefly, not knowing much of the game. She was given a copy as a thank you for the job well done, and before Mia knew it she was making a character and getting involved in everything that had to do with the game. It was her way of coping with the recent incidents, and it would quite rapidly change her life. [/color][/indent] [color=black][h3] A T T R I B U T E S[/h3] [/color] [color=555e66][sub]R O L E[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray]Ranger DPS[/color][/indent] [color=555e66][sub]A F F I L A T I O N[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray]Drox.[/color][/indent] [color=555e66][sub]P R O F E S S I O N[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray]Woodswork.[/color][/indent] [color=555e66][sub]W E A P O N O F C H O I C E[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray]Bow and Arrow. Mirage's Bow came about during her own material gathering, trading, and crafting stage. It is a brown and grey bow with two very sharp points along the body in case of an unexpected melee attack. Pride in the details can be shown in the work of the bow, but it is clear that Mirage is wanting to upgrade to something better soon. She has been looking for materials as of lately, and doing odd favors for them.[/color][/indent] [color=555e66][sub]B E N C H M A R K S[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray][hider= Physical] 1. [b]Precise Aim[/b] Mirage's aim playstyle is meant to be precise and true. She would rather do a few critical shots rather than a jumble mess of several shots from her bow. She knows that these shots always take longer to do, and take time and care to complete, but she feels it is cleaner way to go about it. 2. [b]Swift Movements[/b] Able to quickly dodge, duck, roll, or run out of an enemies attack, Mirage is able to use her movements to her advantage when she is in combat. She prefers to be out in the sidelines dropping shots, but she knows during certain situations, she has to move around until she can find proper location. 3. [b]Trap Master[/b] When given enough time, Mirage is able to place traps for enemies. They are basic stunning traps leaving the enemy caught in a snare for only a few moments. Sometimes these moments are dire when it comes to a battle. This trait is useless in the heat of battle, and is much better for pre-planned attacks. 4. [b]Craftsman[/b] Given a keen eye to detail, and professionalism is wood working Mirage is able to not only appreciate her craft but understand exactly how it works. She has crafted her current bow to satisfy her own needs but is always looking for something a bit better. 5. [b]Arrow Storm[/b] In some cases, there are several enemies evading at once and no time to collect your thoughts on to one victim in particular. During these moments, a barrage of arrows can shoot from her bow that can cause quick bursts of damage to multiple targets at once. Unfortunately because of the nature of this attack, it is not best used in the direction of other party members as well.[/hider] [hider=Mental] 1. [b]Complete Focus[/b] Able to become quite silent and block out factors going on around her, Mirage is able to completely set focus on her target until a next target has been chosen. This can cause stress for a party as often Mirage becomes too wrapped up in one target instead of the larger battle. 2. [b]Sensitive Hearing[/b] Trained in the idea of the hunter, Mirage can focus in on small sounds around her. This is important for when she has an enemy sneaking up from behind and she needs to get out of harm's way in a hurry. 3. [b]Camouflage[/b] Continuing on from the last benchmark, because of her training when she is very quiet and within a stealth mode, she can blend into the world as if she doesn't exist. This can be a helpful strategy when a planned attack is being formed and Mirage has to set up a shot without being seen. 4. [b]Arrow Making[/b] The ability to know what items in the world go together to make specialty arrows. 5. [b]Quick Thinking[/b] Not only quick on her feet, but quick in her thoughts. Mirage is able to think a few steps in front of herself when it comes to attack formations and plans. She knows to move forward or when she needs to fall back.[/hider][/color][/indent] [color=555e66][sub]R O U G H V I R T U A L H I S T O R Y[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray] New to such an environment, Mirage struggled and struggled to get the hang of her skills and weapon. Stubborn, she decided to stick with everything knowing that she could very easily change everything if she wanted to. The woman would not have it. She took it into her own hands to ask people within her affiliation for guidance and most if not all happily applied. Soon she was getting the hang of things and began to really flourish within her class and her new found profession. This profession was encouraged by another member who had seen her work and thought it was quite well done. Despite her rough start, Mirage is really coming into herself and hopes to improve as time goes on.[/color][/indent] [/hider] This will be quick (not because you are my friend, but this is pretty simple and easy to work with), heh. [b]Background:[/b] A bit stylistic in choice, but explains how the Pariah connection reached her. [b]Profession:[/b] What do you mean out of woodswork? If you mean cutting and tending to wood then might I suggest fletcher? If not the only other options I could think of are hunting and foraging (which I suppose would equate to hunter, ranger, or something similar). Think of profession as a pseudo-class title! [b]Benchmarks:[/b] Some crossover in benchmarks, but otherwise fine. Unless Narc has some points of contention, I'd say with a clarification on Profession and you are as good as gander.