[h2]Reinhardt Wilhelm[/h2] One minute he had been in Greenland, dealing with the rather unpleasant people that Torbjorn had mentioned there over Christmas--his Swedish friend having better news about the northern countries than he did. Walking back from a false lead and seeing another trail that might correct the directions he had been given, the enormous armoured man followed along the trail--and found himself somewhere not entirely unlike Eichenwalde. The architecture was distinctly medieval yet there were people around and a distinct [i]lack[/i] of destroyed robots and empty Crusader armour. Nobody with business in Eichenwalde would greet him with such apprehension. The locals were regarding Reinhardt with a wariness that tended to stem from unfamiliarity nowadays, yet if this [i]was[/i] the old German town (no matter how he had gotten there) then he should be greeted with either warmth or terror--depending on whether you should be here or not. The cold apprehension clearly made this separate from his old master's town, so where could it possibly be? The old man wandered the streets, trying to piece together some idea of where he might have been transported to. From the similarities to Eichenwalde, he could place it somewhere towards the northern regions of Europe. The language didn't seem familiar... though soon enough, the locals had recognised him and swapped to something that he could understand. Then something clearly recognisable came into vision: a wonder of culture and science fashioned from pink metal and the successor to the video games that he had watched its pilot compete within. There was a small crowd gathering around the MEKA but, with his size and similar out-of-placeness, merely walking close and gesturing with his free hand was able to part it a little and find a way nearer to the Korean girl. That seemed to be the main reason that they had scattered. Then he clapped one armoured arm around the 'shoulders' of her robot. [b]"D.Va! Are you here to film another movie? This is an impressive film set,"[/b] he said. With the Korean pilot here, things made more sense: it could just be some filming project. [i]Reinhardt[/i] had certainly enjoyed Hero of my Storm. [@thewizardguy][@VitaVitaAR] [hr] [h2]Yukine Chris[/h2] Chris was even more out of place than Reinhardt was, never having found herself in Northern Europe or anywhere of the sort. Disembarking from a submarine was not supposed to lead to stepping out into centuries old architecture far from any sort of ocean and she was, understandably, annoyed at the change of scenery. Her outfit was doing no favours in the early dawn temperatures, so she stuck to the alleyways where buildings could block the breezes and the feeling of the place was more familiar despite the architecture. To stumble across a group of armed shoulders shouting nonsense about conquering the world was completely unexpected and the schoolgirl reflexively grabbed the relic at her neck. If they did anything aggressive, she could transform immediately and then no soldiers should even be a threat. Attacking soldiers who had no chance of fighting her off would be [i]wrong[/i]. Something that she would have done before and for similar reasons to these men, but... "What the hell? You can't make peace by fighting everyone! All being stronger means is more fighting!" ... she couldn't keep quiet, either. [@CorpusMundus]