[@Lugubrious] I'm more or less fine. I'm supposed to write for my term paper but... I just ain't getting to it. Mostly due to the "I have no idea what to write" syndrome. But yeah, else, I am fine :P @Winter-conversation: This winter has been... weird. Temperatures were pretty much normal throughout most of the latter half of October. In November, they stayed on the warmer-side, except for one single day where it actually managed to snow... which was the only day of this winter so far that it had snowed, kinda repeating the last couple of years. December has been weird. Very warm for a December, except for the last 1 1/2 weeks, but only at night. No sub-zero temperatures during the day so far, which is unusual, but not for the past couple of years. So yeah. Also... sorry for that extensive weather report... I'm studying Geography and Climatology is my favourite part of it :D