[center][color=silver][h3]~Lucille Geroux~[/h3][/color] Location: Hau'oli city, Beach [/center] She had to admit, as nice as the Tide Song Hotel and Heahea city were Hau'oli was breathtaking. The beach was absolutely gorgeous. Not to mention the city itself had its own unique charm. A perfect blend of urban life and natural habitation. Perhaps she should see if there was a place she could move into? Wouldn't be too entirely difficult, though money might be a problem...hmm...Eh, details. She'd worry about such things later. For now, beach. The lapping of the waves against the coast. A gentle breeze. The warm sun. It was all very [i]charmant[/i]. Really, she should have visited Melemele sooner, rather than spend a months exploring Akala. Not that Akala didn't have its own charms, - the view from atop Wela Volcano was absolutely breathtaking in a number of ways - this beach was some place she was going to frequent in the future. Lazza was probably enjoying herself, too. Speaking of that little lizard... Lucille sat up from where she was laying on her back. Her black one-piece covering most of her body nicely. She took a sip of the lemonade that She had brought earlier. It was still ice cold - perfect for the beach. Now...where had that impish lizard gone off too? It didn't take her long to find out at least. Not five feet away, she spotted the pokemon...who was currently rolling around in the sand like a puppy in a pile of leaves. Lucille couldn't help but to smile faintly at that, softly laughing as she watched the lizard make a small localized sandstorm from its playing. She stood, walking over to the lizards little play area, softly smiling down at her. [color=#A9A9A9]"Having fun, dear?"[/color] She asked, taking a sip of the lemonade. Lucilles voice seemed to startle Lazza, who ended up running face first into her leg, earning another chuckle from the white haired girl. The lizard sneezed, clawing at the end of its nose before shaking its head and looking up at her trainer, tilting its head to the side. [color=#A9A9A9]"What? Don't stop on my account, darling."[/color] The lizard shook its head, tilting its head in a vigorous manner towards the drink. [color=#A9A9A9]"Oh? Thirsty?"[/color] A small nod of confirmation from Lazza as Lucille picked the lizard up who quickly found a perch on her shoulder. At first, Lucille simply took a drink of the lemonade again, but a small nuzzle on her neck from Lazza seemed enough to sway her. [color=#A9A9A9]"Alright alright, fine. You can have some."[/color] Lucille held the drink up for Lazza to have, walking back over to her little spot on the beach. It was then, Lucille took notice at the edge of the beach. Roars, loud splashes and all manner of noises that broke the otherwise peaceful silence of the beach. [color=#A9A9A9]"...Well I've certainly heard and made my fair share of noises before, but I don't think I can even be that loud."[/color] She mused to herself, standing up as Lazza made an effort to chug the lemonade. [color=#A9A9A9]"Lets go see, shall we Lazza?"[/color] Setting the cup on the ground with the rest of her things, Lucille walked towards the edge of the beach. She was quite curious as to who or what could be making such noise. She wasn't going to get into the water of course, just close enough to observe. Maybe make a pervy joke or two. She arrived at the location of the commotion, curiously looking on.