[quote=@Lazo] [@Lugubrious] I'm good. Working on applications for graduate universities and the like. On the RP side, I was waiting for Nytem to get a post out with Grane, but I'm thinking of writing up a post for Sand in the next few days regardless. [/quote] Alright. Good luck with your applications! [quote=@Guess Who] [@Lugubrious] RP-wise I'm thinking I should give Awesome a chance to post before I write another one for Robert. Real life-wise... Eh, I've been worse. I've been better too, but I've been much worse. Just family issues for the most part and not ones that should affect my ability to post. [/quote] I speak from experience when I say that resolving family issues is a long and painful road, but I hope you'll get there soon. [quote=@NarayanK] On another note, I've been digging into the very basics of coding (MATLAB)! I made super simple codes for a slot machine system and a race simulation between four different racers... so I kinda feel like a computer. o-o; [/quote] Good stuff! I've made a couple fun things in C++ and Java myself but nothing super fancy. [quote=@SuperCustodiam] [@Lugubrious] Well, the house is finally quiet after my sister and my brother-in-law left, so I was able to write a very important letter to my University. I should be able to start brainstorming by tonight, or by tomorrow tonight. Other than that, I'm eager for the Holidays to be over and for things to settle back down into the status quo before all the Holiday madness, despite of how much fun I had with my Sister and Brother-in-law coming from the desert of west Texas, and my grandma from my Mom's side come down from the snow ridden Michigan to enjoy the rather mild winter down in Texas. I just want to enjoy the peace and quiet in the house while it lasts before I have to go back to school. [/quote] I feel you, man. Not a day doesn't go by that I feel like I'm wasting what little free time I have left. Here's hoping these last days work out for us. [quote=@Prince of Seraphs] [@Lugubrious] I'm sort of thinking I should put a place holder in the IC right now for the collab so that it doesn't seem severly out of chronological place. I'll post something OOC when I place it in the empty spot. [/quote] That was a good idea. [quote=@PyroDash888] [@Lugubrious] I'm more or less fine. I'm supposed to write for my term paper but... I just ain't getting to it. Mostly due to the "I have no idea what to write" syndrome. But yeah, else, I am fine :P @Winter-conversation: This winter has been... weird. Temperatures were pretty much normal throughout most of the latter half of October. In November, they stayed on the warmer-side, except for one single day where it actually managed to snow... which was the only day of this winter so far that it had snowed, kinda repeating the last couple of years. December has been weird. Very warm for a December, except for the last 1 1/2 weeks, but only at night. No sub-zero temperatures during the day so far, which is unusual, but not for the past couple of years. So yeah. Also... sorry for that extensive weather report... I'm studying Geography and Climatology is my favourite part of it :D [/quote] No worries. When it comes to papers, I've found that the best bet isn't necessarily to look and look until I find a topic I like, but to latch onto the first thing that comes my way that seems easy to understand and research for. I haven't personally liked writing a single paper I've done, but by focusing myself on something early I can generally rein myself in to make good progress. Regardless, with any luck a muse will strike you soon enough. [quote=@Crimmy] [@Lugubrious] As of this moment, my first preference for an university course has been locked into Engineering (Honours) and Science at Monash University. After an entire month of arguing myself whether to go there or to go to Melbourne, I'm finally free of it. [/quote] Even if we're not completely confident in our decisions, it's nice to just rip the bandage off and put the uncertainty of the choice behind us. I hope everything works out for you.