[h2]Konpaku Youmu[/h2] Youmu stared blankly at the ghost book. What was she supposed to do with this? Just because of her Phantom half, she got the ghost book? She didn't even understand how it would be relevant... things were getting increasingly baffling. For that matter, the way that Ryu was rambling was making her seriously worried that he was mentally ill. This had to be some portion of Gensokyo, right? So why would they be bothered by all of this stuff... Even if it wasn't exactly Gensokyo, it could still be one of those locations tied to Gensokyo itself, right? Right? None of this made any sense, but especially the whole 'world shattering event' thing. What did that even refer to? She'd never heard of anything like that. Really now, what was going on? "Er... I don't really understand, but no-one's ever been bothered by Myon before..." the short white-haired girl said, trailing off as she gestured to her phantom half. This just didn't make any sense at all, she had to be honest about it. It was one of the strangest situations she had found herself in, and that was saying a lot. Ah, what was she even supposed to say about all this...? [@Masterkeun] [hr] [h2]D.Va[/h2] D.Va raised an eyebrow when the man said something she didn't quite make out and suddenly all the people around began to scatter. Caution set in, now, even as the man went about explaining his ideas and his position on things. Why had all those people cleared out so fast? And yet he didn't sound entirely untrustworthy, either... Ah, this was too strange. One of the odder assumptions was that because she was piloting a MEKA she would know how to build one. Hana Song took a lot of pride in a lot of things, but she wasn't about to claim she was an expert mechanic who could construct something that could hop worlds. She'd had her MEKA customized, but that wasn't anything like that! She gave the man an incredulous look, but before she could really respond... She'd never met the man before. But she recognized that armor. It was rather difficult [i]not[/i] to recognize someone who was that big, wielding a hammer that size, and wearing power armor. Anyone who knew anything would know him as Reinhardt, one of the original members of the now-disbanded Overwatch. It was only a moment before he was upon her, clapping an enormous arm around her MEKA and talking in such a boisterous tone about how he had mistaken this for a movie set. It sounded like he was a fan! That was kind of awesome, D.Va had to admit to that. "I'm always happy to speak with a fan!" D.Va declared, brightly, "Especially when they're one of the original members of Overwatch! But this place isn't a movie set, that guy-" She gestured to Set. "-Says it's another world!" [@Raineh Daze] [@CorpusMundus]