Ryu gently sighs staring up with a smile. The girls behavior reminded him of when he was first rehatched into the world. A feeling and image of a Red Demon appeared before him. Ryu nodded the creature common in his world putting the image aside. "I think we're both from different worlds. In mine a goddess was just killed, If you don't know Myria then we're both from separate realities. If that book on death isn't helpful we could look further, but it seems unlikely we'll get back to our worlds. " Ryu set the book down knowing all the citizen's knew about there history since the break. Ryu blushed the woman looking at him like he was insane which in truth was a possibility. "Myon it's good to meet you as well I'm sorry for not asking your name earlier. If you have a way of hiding it could help these people don't seem familiar with ghosts" Ryu thoughtfully removes his pink glow "Or glowing blue haired men. There is a Demon to the north. If you'd like it's possible that the creature may know a way out of here or to a netherworld." Ryu studied the religious men close by the girl. The majority had fled at the sight of someone with an ethereal half floating around her, but more had formed a line of people chanting something. "If it would be acceptable to you I'd like to shadow step with you somewhere a little more private" Ryu shut his eyes concentrating on the nearby area before finding a presence causing fear ready to go straight to it. [@VitaVitaAR]