[center][h3][b][color=ed1c24]Shoko Iseki[/color][/b][/h3][/center] Shoko's classmates were a group of varied personalities, a few of them [i]strong,[/i] to say the least. The girl payed close attention to everyone's introductions, putting names to faces quite easily -- never something she had trouble with. There was a small confrontation between the boy called Ken and a girl named Sayuri, though nothing much came of it for the moment, to Shoko's relief. Her turn came around prompting her to stand and introduce herself, sticking to just her name and foregoing any demonstration or explanation on her quirk like a few of the others had done -- she didn't think hers was interesting enough to warrant that. The first week of school went by quick enough, not much different from any other school she had been to, as the classes were either normal everyday ones or meant to prepare them for the true heroic learning. Shoko spent her time with any of her classmates that would stand her quietness, ending up with Ako -- the boy who had stayed back with her when she healed the nurse -- most of the time. Soon enough it was the Friday of their first week, and the class was lined up to do their first practical hero-related test -- a hero team versus villain team simulation, taking place in an impressive replica of a part of a city. [hr] Having been running for the past few minutes, Shoko's breathing was heavier than normal. She scanned her surroundings incessantly, mind racing as fast as her heart was beating -- more from nerves than anything. While she had always dealt extremely well with nervousness, even finding that it helped her perform her best, in whatever she may be doing, it didn't change the fact that it wasn't the most fun feeling. This is the part she had been terribly worried about since she first applied to Komei. Over the course of the week, she had started to learn more and more of her peers Quirks, and the other seven that were involved in this exercise with her... well, they could do a [i]lot[/i] more damage with their abilities than she could with hers. No; she definitely wouldn't be helping much in open conflict, beyond healing off one of her teammates injuries to give them a second wind -- if she wanted to be a hero any where near her parents or brother, she had to [i]think[/i]. The girl listened to her teammates talking over the communicator, biting her lip as she located one of her teacher's clones. Ken and Daichi seemed okay with being split up, only gathering if one of them needed help, but the more she thought, the less she agreed. She grabbed the clone by the wrist, dragging him with her rather forcefully out of sight and into an alleyway. Taking a breath to calm her nerves, she spoke over the communicator. The thought of being a villain had, of course, never crossed her mind -- but it was time to play the part as best she could. She wouldn't let herself hold any of her classmates back; her team deserved a competent peer, and the hero team deserved the best challenge she could give them so they could learn. [color=ed1c24]"We should all get together now, with the four hostages -- keep them all in one place, defend them together,"[/color] she said, as strong as her voice had been all week. [color=ed1c24]"If the heroes do the same and group up, we'll have a chance in battle instead of being picked off one by one. And if they're splitting up, we wait for them to stumble upon us and beat them with numbers." [/color] Shoko paused for only a second to wait for her team's input, but reconsidered and quickly began speaking again, not wanting to waste any time. [color=ed1c24]"We should pick a building to meet in -- limit the amount of directions the heroes can come at us from, and play to our strengths. Your guys' Quirks seem like they'd be most effective in close quarters, so we should force those engagements."[/color] Another short pause to think through her words. [color=ed1c24]"Remember -- according to what Yoshida-sensei said, they need to save [i]all[/i] four clones to succeed. Don't be afraid to let one go if it means you getting out to regroup with the rest of us."[/color] Finally, she finished. [color=ed1c24]"So, Daichi; think that building you're in will work?"[/color] Even as she asked, the girl was off running towards the starting area, clone in tow as she kept out of sight as best she could behind the buildings.