So I did a different thing. I like this a lot better and think it should be more fun to play. ^.^ [hider=Matt] Name: Matt Ronwell Sex: Male Age: 20 House: Dark Magician House [hider=Appearance] Matt is fairly tall with short pale yellow hair and a deeper shade of yellow for eyes. His frame is lithe, not overly skinny and certainly not bulky. His face leans on the side of handsome and tends to give him a calculating look whenever in thought, though more usually it has a smile on it. [img][/img] [/hider] Duel Disk: An Arc-V laser disk with neon green light Personality: Matt is a suave character, likable, and quite intelligent. He's very social, going out of his way to include people and make friends. Matt's rather laid-back and it seems impossible to get him angry over anything, always ready to crack a joke. However his seeming inability to take anything serious can be vexing to certain people. Of course he's always ready to take a chance. History: Matt was born to an average family. Not too rich not too poor, enough to give him a nice new present every now and then but not enough for everything you could want. However his parent's were perhaps too lenient as he was an only child and gave him more than was wise, leading to him being somewhat spoiled. This changed however when he was part of a car crash, his family was very lucky however and no one died. This changed his outlook and life and become overall a much more enjoyable person. He also developed a perchance for games of chance, becoming quite good at them as well. One thing led to another and Matt found himself attending a duel academy. It should be lots of fun! Wish: To Gamble With God Deck: [hider=Custom Cards] *Winning Streak Continous Spell Once per turn(during either player's turn) when a coin is tossed or a die is rolled put 1 LUCKY! counter on this card. Up to twice per turn you can remove 1 LUCKY! counter from this card to redo a coin toss or dice roll. If this card has 3 or more LUCKY! counters on it: Destroy it. *Monster Card Lady Luck Level 5 / Light-Spellcaster 0 ATK / 0 DEF This monster can not be destroyed by battle, however it does not prevent your opponent from making direct attacks if it is the only monster on the field. Once per turn you may negate the effect of a card that flips a coin or rolls a die. (This is a Quick Effect) To Be Developed [/hider] [hider=Zorc And Friends] Monsters 14 x2 Maximum Six x3 Roulette Barrel x1 Dark Master - Zorc x3 Sasuke Samurai #4 x3 Gambler of Legend x2 Lady Luck* Spells 15 x2 Second coin Toss x3 Dicephoon x3 Dangerous Machine Type-6 x1 Contract with the Dark Master x2 Roulette Spider x3 Cup Of Ace x1 Winning Streak Traps 11 x3 Needle Wall x1 Skull Dice x2 Tour of Doom x2 Lucky Chance x1 The Paths of Destiny x1 Vanity's Emptiness x1 Spirit Barrier [/hider] [/hider]