[center][img]http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t486/isthistaken1/Bianca-Nuit-Returned.png[/img] [@Silvan Haven], [@Crimmy], [@Plank Sinatra], [@HereComesTheSnow] [color=9D36FF][h3]Float on[/h3][/color][/center] I felt a smile creep up on my lips before I could stop it. Gratia had a point. Even if nothing changed by the end of this cruise, my life could only improve if I stood my ground, accepted what had happened to me and put in the time to heal. That’s what this cruise was supposed to be about. It felt like the past day had been an eternity. But I finally felt ready to accept my life as it was. At least I had a peaceful environment with which to do that in. I smiled warmly at Gratia, the tears in my eyes seemed to be stopping finally. I wrapped my arms around my friend and squeezed tightly. People always looked at us in wonderment, as if, how could I possibly know that Gratia actually likes me. How could she enjoy spending time with me? It was simple really. When one saw how much she went through for my sake, and how open she was about what a pain in the ass it is. Clearly, she’d put herself through a lot for me. I was the luckiest girl in the world to have a best friend like her. [color=9D36FF]“Thank you for coming, I’m okay now and I’ll be better tomorrow. Can I walk you out?”[/color] I said, standing up beside the bed and absentmindedly fixing my hair into a neat little side ponytail, and then another on the other side. Estelle always sucked and fixing her hair without a mirror which was bad when it was her main form of fidgeting. Mine always looked perfect. I stepped into the slippers that came complimentary with the room and straightened out my clothes since I had been laying down before. God I hope I can repay Gratia one day.