[@Plank Sinatra][@Write][@Silvan Haven][@HereComesTheSnow] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/foO0yFo.png[/img][/center] Gratia didn't say anything as her compatriot chose to embrace her. It was a sudden course of action, but it was not unexpected in the least. Nuit was an excessively tactile person, and while it could be too fucking much in numerous situations, she was not bothered at all by it in the current one. Not when the other Mistralese girl had decided that throwing a tarp over all her shit was no longer the correct way to proceed. Bianca Nuit was willing to face her problems head-on, and if she needed some outlet for her emotions, Gratia couldn't give a single shit about how she proceeded to do so as long as she stopped pretending that running away was good for her mental health. A hug was utterly harmless. "[color=66cd00]You're still not fine,[/color]" she said flatly, voice tightly controlled even as Nuit pulled away. "[color=66cd00]Not yet.[/color]" The path Nuit would need to take was an arduous one. She could ask Gratia to leave all she wanted, but she wouldn't comply until she was entirely sure that the idiot birdbrain was safely on her way out of the bullshit. It was foolishly naive to believe that a little fucking pep talk could solve everything. This type of work needed ass-pounding amounts of effort, effort that she was deigning to expend on her former teammate. "[color=66cd00]I'll stay and admire your new choice in hairstyles,[/color]" Gratia Mindaro continued, onyx eyes glancing up at the modifications Bianca was making to her hair. "[color=66cd00]You'll look like a fucking child with those pigtails.[/color]"