[center][img]http://i128.photobucket.com/albums/p185/ladythang19/0d93137e15aa53c79570875468cad3d5_zpswkehnzvv.jpg[/img][/center] [center][color=00a651][h1][i][b]Commander Cody Varicke[/b][/i][/h1][/color][/center][hr][center]Interacting with [@kyrisse][hr][/center] [color=fff200]Day 6 11am[/color] Cody left his office and headed for the kitchen. He had just finished his inventory and journal entries on the pipes and he was looking forward to seeing Audrianna. He just hoped that she wasn't upset with him for not being in the kitchen to help her this morning. He had hoped he would be and then the pipe problem happened. He was hoping to find a way to pull her out of her shell a bit more. Cody really liked her soft heart towards others and he had been paying attention to her for a long time. She had just never noticed. He would always look like he was working on something so no one would pay him any mind. Cody smiled and said hi to people in the cafeteria. He saw Harley and Grayson leave together and he smirked. Anyone with eyes could see that Harley liked Grayson. She was kind to everyone but when it came to Gray she went above and beyond duty it seemed. She always had since the first time she had laid eyes on him. He nodded at Ben as he passed his table and went to where Audrey and Robert were talking at the food line. There wasn't anyone else in line to serve so Cody slid around behind the counter and as soon as she and Robert finished speaking he jovially picked up her hand and removed the glove on it and kissed it. Her blushing was endearing and it made him smile. Cody looked into her soft gray eyes and asked her [color=00a651]"I know we can't exactly go on a regular date with the world being what it is right now but do you think maybe we could watch a movie together tonight? I'd like to spend some time alone with you and I think we should get to know each other better."[/color] Cody looked up to make sure no one was paying them any attention and he leaned down and kissed her lightly on the lips. He didn't want her to feel embarrassed by his actions. Cody went back to the sinks and started washing the dishes and whistled while he did.[hr][@King Tai][@Aeternum][@RumikoOhara][@Spinosaurus][@December][@Venku][@alexfangtalon][@POOHEAD189][@FunnyGuy][@oliver][hr]